I Was Intentionally & Vicously Attacked By A Bee, I mean YellowJacket

We treat ground nests with a healthy dose of gasoline and a precisely tossed match.


Sorry to hear about your ordeal, PC. This post has my husband and I howling with laughter.

Oh the dog is just fine. He jumped in his pool, smart dog. I should have joined him. He had a few stings on him but we put a baking soda paste on them and he acted like nothing was wrong. I think he would have done it again if we didn't plug the hole.
Silly dog!
You guys came up with some good material here. I gotta get stung and
post about it more often.

Bren I think you win the prize for the best reaction followed by MooseHill
for her poetic rendition of a bee attack.
Please be careful. Yellowjackets can make a pot-sized hole in the ground and have up to 10,000 inhabitants in there. If one of them is killed, they send out a sound, which humans can't hear, that tell the rest of the group to swarm. I was stung last year (yes, the can sting repeatedly) and had to jamn an Epipen through my jeans and drive myself to the hospital. Yes, I am allergic to bees, mosquitoes, wasps, ex-husbands and such ilk. The Epipen only provides respite for for 20 minutes. My allergist stated that for people who are allergic, each time that they are stung, they're sensitivity will increase.

I tried to enlist the help of my friends as I couldn't afford an exterminator due to financial constraints and not one of them would help me. So, at dusk I sprayed a whole can of wasp killer in the hole and then sealed it with that spray foam that one buys from Home Depot or Lowes. A week later, I dug up the hole thing and discarded it. I didn't want any poisons aroud my house.

Lo and behold, I look up and there's a paper wasp nest larger than my fist about six feet off the ground by the garbage cans. Call out to my friends but to no avail. I sprayed the nest and two mean looking sentries came out. Couldn't tell if they were dead or alive. Waited to days. Got a shovel and a bathroom garbage can and stood on a stepstool. Epipen at the ready. I quickly scraped the nest into the garbage can, sprayed it with an entire can of spray insulation and covered it, put it into a garbage can, tied it up and then went around the rest of the house looking for more nests. Found some old ones.

Carpenter bees are solitary. Found one DRILLING his very' head into my daughter's swingset. Tried to kill him but his head would come out. Had to use a Leatherman tool to UNSCREW the bugger. Have to get a ladder and some caulking to take care of the holes that I can reach at dusk when they're inside and are trapped. I can't reach the rest.

Found some jellowjackets trying to make a nest underneath a windowsill. Remembered that the people who sold me the swingset stated that yellowjackets like to nest at the top opening of the slide and that I could avoid a problem by mixing a strong solution of regular salt and water and spraying it periodically. Will try that with the front window. Wonder if it will help with other other insects...maybe ex-husbands because mine tend to leave a slime trail...
also, note that it's good to spray them and then burn the nests the next night...they belong to many hives sometimes (wasps, not bees) they will groom each other when going to the hive then it will transfer the spray to those hives too!

my guy does this spray for 65 bucks (not bwacks!) and it's all my house and outbuildings, cars, you name it. lasts 45 days and then in-between if i see anything, he'll do it free again.

the money is worth my life. every time i am stung now, after having tons of stings (stepped in a ground nest) 2 wks later i start having seizures, hypoglycemic reactions you name it!

i do burn the ground nests the next day and do a victory dance around them yelling stupid things...it makes ME feel good!
PC, could you please schedule your insect and other emergencies for weekdays? I'm tired of missing all the weekend action.

(I am tied to an office computer all day long, and would rather die than turn on that button when I'm home!)
I am almost attacked all the time down at the barn. If I have the water hose out watering I blast them with the water and then stomp on them when they are down. I've been through so many cans of spray this year already and more just show up:(

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