ideal poultry baby chicks!!!


6 Years
Jun 2, 2013
They Finnaly came early in the morning I have about 13 colored easter eggers and 11 packing peanuts, I ordered 15 easter eggers but I'm guessing I have some yellow eeaster eggers since there blending in with the packing peanuts,
what could the yellow chicks be? And one of the packing peanuts isn't doing so well but overall they seem to be nice and healthy
You may want to separate the weaker chick from the others - maybe put in a small box inside the brooder so it won't get trampled. If you have polyvisol( NO IRON infant drops you could give a drop or two about 3 times a day. Put the drop just inside the beak so the chick can push it out if it doesn't accept it. You wouldn't want drops to get aspirated into the lungs.

Give the baby a small stuffed toy to cuddle with. Put a little sugar in the water to entice it to drink more. Be sure to check often that it isn't too hot or cold in the isolation box. Some chicks have a harder time hatching or could be the youngest of the chicks and needs a chance to catch up.
Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined.

The yellow chicks may be White Plymouth Rocks or White Leghorns. They are also likely to be cockerels.

Good luck with the chicks!

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I placed a order of 13 gray silkies and 12 self blues due to be shipped the 20th. I've never ordered from ideal and I am excited to see what I get with a 25 chick total do you think I will get any extras? Also anyone ordered silkies from them before ? If so how was it?
I placed a order of 13 gray silkies and 12 self blues due to be shipped the 20th. I've never ordered from ideal and I am excited to see what I get with a 25 chick total do you think I will get any extras? Also anyone ordered silkies from them before ? If so how was it?
well I think it depends with the wheather I ordered my chicks in the winter so they threw in extras for added warmth and since it's getting hotter I doubt they'll add few if any

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