Ideas for repurposing pallets

Saw a wonderful You Tube video about dismantling the pallets using a reciprocating saw. Was really excited about starting to pull apart the few pallets that I have already collected but was informed by Hubby that the power tool I thought we had was one of the ones stolen by the drugheads a few years ago. So I am waiting till next payday and buying another one and hopefully start building a coop and run using recycled pallets.

If I had it to do over again I would have bought a corded reciprocating saw for just this purpose. My darling wife offered to buy me a set of cordless tools several months back and I wanted a "sawz-all" along with the other tools. The cordless costs $115 while the corded costs $100. Had I known that cutting pallets (nails) with a cordless would consume the batteries as quickly as it does I'd have opted for the corded version. Oh and pay the extra money for some good bi-metal blades. The cheap ones snap......

Here is the whole thing.(this side was not finished yet)
Planning on building a bunch of stuff this year will post pics as soon as its not in the negative degrees and the snow melts course that might be june.....
Unless I really need the full length boards, I usually just cut out the parts with nails using an old chain on my chainsaw or a carbide skill saw. Much quicker than the sawzall. I've also used an angle grinder ($25 from Harbor Freight) to just zap off the nail heads, then the thin boards pull right off the skids. The parts with nails go into the maple boiler, the nails into scrap bin. Most of what I use them for uses short boards anyway. I'm saving up "pitch pine" boards (some kind of very resinous pine from SE US, comes on aluminum electric cable wire spools. Burns like tires) lately for paneling in a room. Lots of random shapes will make a cool "knotty pine" wall with beautiful grain. I'm trueing up the edges on the table saw and miter saw. Stockpiling until I have enough to do the room.
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