I'm officially addicted to air plants.


7 Years
Apr 23, 2012
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
So for Christmas, my parents got me a little air plant (a tillandsia Ioantha). I fell in love and bought 3 T. Strictas from Etsy. Then I saw a terrarium necklace on Etsy with a tiny dwarf Ioantha inside. I bought one of those as well and they sent an extra (a neglecta!). Counting pups, I have 9 in all. I think I'm officially addicted. Anyone else share my addiction?

the neglecta

the miniature Ioantha

I'll see if I can get some good pictures of my birdcage terrarium tomorrow.
I love the necklace and yes I have many air plants, one started to flower and then it died, I watered it the way the girl at the nursery told me to, once a month soak for 15 mins shake off excess water, so sad
Aw :( I soak my air plants 20 minutes 2-3x a week, then an overnight soak once a month. A tip for flowering plants is avoid getting the flower wet as that'll make the bloom last longer. What varieties do you have?
oh wow that would be so neat, I will have to post a pic for you because I have a couple different ones and don't know their names, maybe you could help me with that, I just picked them up at my local nursery
I love tillandsia's I live in florida so you can find them on just about any tree here!
Oh my goodness... I need to move to Florida

oh wow that would be so neat, I will have to post a pic for you because I have a couple different ones and don't know their names, maybe you could help me with that, I just picked them up at my local nursery
Okay, I'll see if I can identify them :)
I love air plants, I have a few epiphytic ferns I baby a lot. My favorite are my stag horns and my crocodile fern.

I absolutely love crocodile ferns, the texture is amazing!
Very similar, except that I have a near miraculous ability to kill Bird's Nest ferns but my Croc is doing fine. I had a Rabbit's Foot fern that lasted a summer before it died but the Kangaroo Paw fern is going crazy. The house we are about to move to has a variety of different air plants scattered throughout the property. Noone has lived on the property, which has a wet weather creek, in 15 years. So I'm excited to see what natives plants I'll have access to.

Here is a top down view of the Crocodile fern, it's a different family than Bird's Nest ferns but it takes the same conditions. The leave can get enormous, I've seen 3-4 feet long and the texture is just amazing. Mine looks a lot better when it hasn't been sitting in a garage. I took down the green house two weeks ago in preparation for moving so everything is suffering.

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