Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

Sounds good to me..

Seperate question: one egg when I candled obviously had developmemt but the air cell was sideways, not in the end. What are its chances of a good hatch?
I was told these are usually quitters, unfortunately
Are you incubating fat end up for this one instead of laying down? Probably the best bet for a hatch for this one!
LOL...yep...we have problems keeping our hands off the eggs!!! I must confess...I have been know to sneak into a candling groups day that is not for my eggs
so tempting and easy when people are candling on different days
But I am trying REALLY hard not to over candle this hatch!
My second batch I have 2 in the bator that I candle Monday and 6 under my broody that I am going to TRY and candle when she takes her dusting break
These are up to the broody...LOL!!! My CBF went broody in April; she screeched at me if I got near the brooder without announcing myself. LOL

So far my little broody is still pretty friendly! She lets us pet and talk to her and still will hop up on our laps briefly during her dusting breaks
Hopefully during her break I can be sneaky and candle
And hoping she stays friendly after her babies hatch and lets us hold them
Thank goodness there are eggs in the bator too...just in case
That's good! =) Yeah, hope so!
Back up chicks are a good idea. Holding baby chicks is a must and is extremely difficult to resist!!!

Sounds good to me..

Seperate question: one egg when I candled obviously had developmemt but the air cell was sideways, not in the end. What are its chances of a good hatch?


I would just leave it. If I understand correctly, the chances are reduced that the chick will hatch out by itself; however, they're not eliminated, and someone (I think it was Sally Sunshine, but don't quote me on that) has an article on assisted hatching that is comprehensive and very good and very easy to follow.

Yes, I do think this Friday should be our next candle day!
You know you are a candle-o-holic when you have just candled and are already focused on the next candle day! And you know what I just realized?????? I will ALWAYS be the last to candle because it gets dark here last...WAAAAA

Thanks for your blue words. =)
Friday; yup, self-admitted candle-o-holics here!!! =)
Aw, if it makes you feel any better, I don't usually candle until late.
Hi all.

I just found this thread I am relatively new to BYC and still finding threads that interest me.

I know your hatch a long is for August 8th, I have some pheasant eggs set to hatch on the 6th I think. Can I play along?

I started with 42 eggs and I down to 30, however, I think there may be around a half a dozen that are very questionable.

It is hard to see into so many of the eggs, and I hate to throw one out that might make it.

I have found articles claiming pheasant eggs take between 23-28 days, so I could be off on my days....sigh.
Hi all.

I just found this thread I am relatively new to BYC and still finding threads that interest me.

I know your hatch a long is for August 8th, I have some pheasant eggs set to hatch on the 6th I think. Can I play along?

I started with 42 eggs and I down to 30, however, I think there may be around a half a dozen that are very questionable.

It is hard to see into so many of the eggs, and I hate to throw one out that might make it.

I have found articles claiming pheasant eggs take between 23-28 days, so I could be off on my days....sigh.
You are quite welcome to join. We have hatches going off all over the place. The majority are set for the 8th. Personally I inadvertently ended up with a staggered hatch, expecting chicks Aug. 5, 8 & 11. I've never hatched Pheasant's. I did farm sit for a friend who had some in the brooder we had to care for.
Hi all.

I just found this thread I am relatively new to BYC and still finding threads that interest me.

I know your hatch a long is for August 8th, I have some pheasant eggs set to hatch on the 6th I think. Can I play along?

I started with 42 eggs and I down to 30, however, I think there may be around a half a dozen that are very questionable.

It is hard to see into so many of the eggs, and I hate to throw one out that might make it.

I have found articles claiming pheasant eggs take between 23-28 days, so I could be off on my days....sigh.
Hi and welcome!
More the merrier!!! I love being on BYC
Fun people, good information and great support! I have never hatched pheasant eggs so not sure on the time
I also have a hard time getting rid of eggs during a hatch, especially if it is difficult to see in them! If they do not smell, I give them benefit of the doubt and keep them.

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