Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

It is not the area of the air sac,,,I think we see the birds back side.
sorry...lost power!!!!! Ok...and you are not hearing any cheeping from the egg yet? If not, then it hasn't internally pipped yet and I would just make sure that membrane doesn't dry out and shrink wrap the chick. Hopefully it will pip on its own soon. I would also post a new thread in emergencies with picture and explanation and see what others recommend
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Surprize in Minnesota!!! I thought I was playing the August 8th hatch a long. I guess I am not. Today is day 25 of my 28 day pheasant hatch. I opened the lid on my cheap incubator to take the eggs out and lay them onto the hatching area. ( I wanted to give them 3 days to rest.) This is what I found when I opened the lid: Looks like I have a jumbo pheasant and one of the mutant ones...... PLEASE note the egg nearest the jumbo chick, there is a chick in that egg, however I think we broke it taking it out of the tray. It was stuck in the tray by gunk from a rotten egg next to it. What do we do? Should we try to assist it? We are not sure if it is alive or not? As far as the surprise goes, I guess the info saying 25 days for pheasant eggs is correct and :p not the stuff saying 28... We have a dozen more that are pecked and hatching and about a dozen that are not cracked yet.
Well congrats! Today must be surprise hatch day...LOL!!!! For the egg that is open on the top, I would just make sure the membrane inside stays moist and doesn't dry around the chick. Can you see any veins across the membrane where the egg top is open? Hopefully this little one will cut through the membrane on its own...if not then you may need to assist, but I always make sure that when I do need to assist, I only help with the head area and top of egg if veins are not present. Than I let the chick release itself from the bottom of the egg, as it may need to still absorb the yolk. Hopefully others with experience can comment as well :)
X2, exactly I would have said. The "assisted hatch article" where that is, is great.
WHY did no one mention on the day eggs hatch NOTHING gets done?

My wife and I have spent the entire day watching the eggs.... true!!!!! Once they start everything else just fades away
Cant stop adoring the ones that have hatched...can't stop worrying about the ones that haven't..throw in a curveball of a cracked egg and that's is taken over by littles...LOL!!! Sooooo exciting though
I hatch in my classroom and man hatch days are crazy!!!!!
So sorry about the cracked egg issue.

I tend to get a moist paper towel and wrap the egg in that. Use WARM water for the paper towel.

I think one of the points on the assisted hatch article says to gently paint Betadine on the membrane since that will not dry out like water will.
WHY did no one mention on the day eggs hatch NOTHING gets done?

My wife and I have spent the entire day watching the eggs....

The first few clutches of eggs I hatched I was up pretty much the entire 24 hours, just took some quick naps but was constantly checking on them...

Now, I just check up every so often and let mother natures do it's thing...

I have a lone Guinea keet hatching today, he pipped yesterday (a power pip, pretty much cracked the egg in half length wise) but that is as far as it went... I check on it every few hours but it's not like the first few hatches were I would spend hours staring at it waiting for something to happen... I do still pick him up about every 4 hours and hold it to my ear and give it a tap with my finger nail to make sure he's still kicking inside though...

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