Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

It's got to be like being pregnant and having a toddler. You walk with them as much as you can and then you sit on the couch and try to get them to behave, but in the end, you fall asleep and the little one crayons on the walls...


I KWYM about having to look fast. Glad they're not hatching early. Sorry you have to wait 6 more days.
Happy for you that Peep is such a good broody.
BTW, Peep wouldn't happen to be named after Peep in the Big Wide World's Peep, would she?
Well....I hatched Peep in my preschool classroom and my students named if it is a children's show then could be???? LOL...Kids!!!! And funny thing is...she is a very quiet girl for the most part
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I'm locking down tonight. I'll turn one last time, put wet paper towels on egg cartons in the ends of the incubator, and sit on my hands. I'll check the temp, but that's it until they start hatching. I've got to figure out how to use the glass lid of the cooler-bator on the box-u-bator I have the eggs in....Hmmmmm....I'll figure it out.
Hehe...that will give you something to occupy your hands while you are not touching the eggs and waiting for them to hatch
I am going on lockdown on eggs rested 2 days before I placed them in the incubator so I am 2 days behind yours....due to hatch sunday in my bator. Good luck
Ha Ha1

Yeah for broodies!

I put the two chicks in the brooder and the last one I pealed out of the shell and un-stuck but I don't know that it will make it any way. It doesn't seem to want to do anything but peep. It was kicking pretty good while I was working on it but now it is just kind of laying on it's back, legs twitching and it is peeping. I'll give it until morning, then I will dispatch it if it is not doing any better.

That is the sucky part of hatching.
Awwww...I hope your ICU baby makes it
That is the sucky part of hatching

So does this mean, besides Puddin Fluff's iffy chick, we have to wait until Friday/Saturday for more excitement????


(I was looking at EGGS!!!! Repeat with me, it is MUCH TOO LATE to hatch more chickens!!)

So does this mean, besides Puddin Fluff's iffy chick, we have to wait until Friday/Saturday for more excitement????


(I was looking at EGGS!!!! Repeat with me, it is MUCH TOO LATE to hatch more chickens!!)
yep...this weekend is action time for me

And I really think you could be on the wrong thread for anyone to repeat THAT sentence with you...LOL...I was looking at more eggs too
But this is California weather so all year is hatching season...right????
Well, the baby is on it's feet this morning. Kind of wabbly still. I am leaving it in the hatcher until this afternoon so the other two don't beat it up. I've read they don't need to eat for up to 72 hours so I am not sure exactly when to count that from so it is at 36-48 right now. I tried to dip it's beak in a little bowl of water but all it did was peep at me, no drinking.
Well, the baby is on it's feet this morning. Kind of wabbly still. I am leaving it in the hatcher until this afternoon so the other two don't beat it up. I've read they don't need to eat for up to 72 hours so I am not sure exactly when to count that from so it is at 36-48 right now. I tried to dip it's beak in a little bowl of water but all it did was peep at me, no drinking.
Cheering for baby
Hopefully it will start getting stronger!!!
Well, the baby is on it's feet this morning. Kind of wabbly still. I am leaving it in the hatcher until this afternoon so the other two don't beat it up. I've read they don't need to eat for up to 72 hours so I am not sure exactly when to count that from so it is at 36-48 right now. I tried to dip it's beak in a little bowl of water but all it did was peep at me, no drinking.

'OH NO!!

I hope he drinks today. The one you peeled out of the shell, are its feet ok? We peeled one out and it has deformed toes and is considerably smaller than the rest, but seems to walk fine on the curled toes. It only spend 24 hours in the ICU.

Come on someone else announce a hatch!

I wish I could start another batch, but we will have frost before they would hatch. So I guess it is time to put the incubator away for the winter. I am hoping to have a bigger better incubator next spring, but at this point in time the war department is against it (read wifey pooh).

On a sad note my cornishX that was in ICU passed away last night. However, the pheasant chick is doing OK, just cannot walk well. It seems as if it has a broken leg or pelvis. Hopefully it is just a bad sprain.
My peas are hatching! 9 out of 11 have hatched so far, and the last two are pipped and zipping! Best hatch rate ever, especially with shipped eggs. Will post pics later.

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