Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

Cali, are those two eggs supposed to hatch today?

And i had a bunch of good chicks from totally detached air cells. It can happen.
Today is day 19 so by Monday I hope!!!! I let these rest so I am a bit behind everyone else. I am not great at candling other than to tell there is a chick developing.....I candled yesterday before lockdown and there was chickie in there...Just a bit worried because there seemed to be a lot of room when I candled from on side. They are bantam eggs so very hard to tell
Tring to locate some banty chicks as we speak for her to mother maybe? I just really want my girl to be healthy and happy, which is why I got eggs in the first place
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Thank you.. That's what I am hoping because nothing has changed this morning
I'm so worried about her just continuing to sit when there are no eggs now and no baby. Thinking we should look into some day old chicks to slip under her tonight. All so girl is definitely not herself

I think that's a very good idea. If you can find any that are no older than the one she already had (or would be), I would think it's at least worth a try.
Hoping all the best for you and her!!!

Come on someone say something!

I am waiting and waiting and waiting more to hear how everyone's hatches are going?

If your having trouble deciding what is hatching, I will show you how my wife checks our eggs. (and she claims to not like my birds)

Now grab your stethoscope and let me know how they are doing......(She will brutally beat me if she finds out I posted this picture)

I don't have a stethoscope, so I don't know what's going on in there. Not much, I think. I'm beginning to think they all quit; I'll start egg-topsies tomorrow.
and I give up until I get my Brinsea (hopefully next month some time).

I can believe you felt you needed to ad that, sarcasm, irony, and voice inflections are hard to convey over the internet.


I love spouse abuse!

(This kind, not the bad kind. Can't believe I felt I had to add that.

@calichicken eek!
when are your eggs supposed to hatch?

How many eggs do will still have that haven't yet hatched?

If your question is to everyone, I have four.
If it's not, then please disregard the above. =D
ETA: Mine are supposed to hatch today (saw you asked Calichicken, so I thought I'd add this), if you're asking.
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Just a question to all you expectant Grandparents..

Do any of you put your eggs in warm water to see if they wiggle?

I did it with three I thought was bad, I found one wiggler in the bunch, which was my chick with the air sac on the side, Which made it float funny and I almost disregarded the wiggles. Glad I did not, I got a cute baby with slightly deformed toes out of it.

If you do it make sure the water is about 90 degrees and do not leave them in long, You probably all know this. But water warmer than the egg can bring things into the egg.
Just a question to all you expectant Grandparents..

Do any of you put your eggs in warm water to see if they wiggle?

I did it with three I thought was bad, I found one wiggler in the bunch, which was my chick with the air sac on the side, Which made it float funny and I almost disregarded the wiggles. Glad I did not, I got a cute baby with slightly deformed toes out of it.

If you do it make sure the water is about 90 degrees and do not leave them in long, You probably all know this. But water warmer than the egg can bring things into the egg.

I've done the water test (on a hatch that was on day 26 or something).
Thanks for the info regarding the temperature!
Glad your baby hatched out!!! =)
Hello all. Busy weekend. My folks were in town so I haven't been able to do up dates as I would like.

I have a total of 16 chicks that have hatched. There is one lagging with its pip so I hope it works its way out. Yesterday was hatch day so I will have to wait a bit to see if it is just a late bloomer or is stuck. It was so busy yesterday and so muck chickie football I really don't know when it pipped.

I have only ended up with one silkie and one spanish. Kind of bummed about that. I am sure my incubation practices weren't perfect and I know I had some temp flux. In a way I am glad that they all didn't hatch. I have no idea what I would have done with so many chicks. Ii am just glad I didn't wreck the entire hatch.

My little assist chick is still doing well. If it makes it to Wednesday I'll feel pretty cofident about it.

The duckling is ftting in fine so far. I will have to make a few allowances for it as it grows but "Chuck" (the chicken duck) is the favorite of the "hatch" folowed bu our runt.


Sorry pic is from my tablet and not the best. I need to take some with my camera.
I hope so....going to look into it in the morning because she is just making her little cluck she had for baby and is expecting baby to be under her. I have 2 eggs in lockdown in my bator now but they were shipped so not sure they will hatch. I tried to get her out and about but no luck :(
So sorry ablut your broody baby.
Come on someone say something! I am waiting and waiting and waiting more to hear how everyone's hatches are going? If your having trouble deciding what is hatching, I will show you how my wife checks our eggs. (and she claims to not like my birds) Love the atethascope. Wish I had it so I would know if anything is going on with my last eggs. I have never done the float test. I'm too afraid I will drown an internally pipped chick. Now grab your stethoscope and let me know how they are doing......(She will brutally beat me if she finds out I posted this picture)
I'll join the party super late!!

My salmon faverolle, Floris, has been going broody with a VENGEANCE off and on ever since she laid her first egg. It's extremely hard to get her to think of anything else when she goes broody, and can often take weeks to break her, so I finally relented and grabbed half a dozen eggs from a friend whose hens run with roosters.

All six were developing great, but a couple days ago, one of the eggs got cracked and the hens ate it. :( :(


the other 5 are starting to hatch today!!

They're a bit earlier than expected--this is day 19 or 20, depending on your opinion--but I'm SO EXCITED. Three of them are pipping. No action from the other two just yet, but I candled them for the last time two days ago, and they all looked very promising.

This is my FIRST TIME EVER hatching babies, and I'm way more excited than I thought I would be. Floris is excited too! She's been a very, very dutiful brood, so I hope she makes an equally great mom. I know that at least of the couple of the eggs are from Easter Eggers (they're blue), but the others are a mystery to me, and there were multiple breeds of roosters running about, so who knows what I'll end up with! Hopefully some girls. :)

I'll have pics as soon as the babies hatch and I can safely get a photo. For now, Floris is on lockdown.

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