Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

Typos normally make me twitchy. That typo just made me hurt from laughter.

My fourth little hatchling finally dried off and I was able to get a good look at it when it flopped out from under momma.

It's such a cool looking chick! Black legs and feet. Black beak. BLACK SKIN. Coal black fluff. Basically, it's just jet black all over. The black skin tells me the chick probably had a silkie for a father (the mother, whatever she was, laid a standard sized brown egg). I'm super excited to see what it grows up to be!!
Can I say I hate auto correct!:oops:

My DH says to tellyou all that it is just a new breed of chicks developed by fruit of the loom. :lau. The most common variety being the tighty whitey. :D
to all! I am just getting around to checking in and see how everyone's hatch went
Congrats to all who have beautiful fluffy babies!
to all who had hard!!!! And @Alaskan congrats for your surprise hatch

I have my 3 eggs in lockdown and tomorrow is day 21!!

I have 4 bantam babies that I am going to sneak under Peep in just a bit so hoping she will accept them
and FINALLY get to be the momma she so wants to be
Hi :frow   to all! I am just getting around to checking in and see how everyone's hatch went :)   Congrats to all who have beautiful fluffy babies! :woot And :hugs   to all who had hard!!!! And @Alaskan
   congrats for your surprise hatch :celebrate  

I have my 3 eggs in lockdown and tomorrow is day 21!!

I have 4 bantam babies that I am going to sneak under Peep in just a bit so hoping she will accept them :fl   and FINALLY get to be the momma she so wants to be :love

Good luck!:fl
Been busy with other things in life, but I have not forgotten about this, I will snap some pictures maybe tomorrow...

My shipped in peas were a bust from the get go, but the shipped guineas, local guineas and my own chickens did well... And I should still have some local peas hatching in the coming weeks...
@Puddin Fluff

They are Muscovy. Two Muscovy ducks decided to share the box. The one on the left, in the second picture, is white and blue with lovely clear blue eyes. Her name is Keks, and it was her nest that hatched.

The other duck, Creamy is white and silver with dark eyes. I think Creamy's nest is due this Friday.

I have four Muscovy females, and one male.

My girls are
Kuhflecken, she is chocolate and white,
Keks, the blue and white,
Creamy, silver and white
Toffee, a mix of chocolate and blue with only a little white

The drake is silver and white.

As to how many ducklings... :confused: Creamy tried to bite my face off when I tried to look. I was counting in that photo I took, and I think that I see at least 12. Many of them look silver, must be Creamy's ducklings. There are some dark ones too, but with the dim light I couldn't tell if they are chocolate, or blue. (The nice thing about having a silver drake, the color of the mother's come through.) They weren't picky about who laid where when they were nest building.

Toffee is sitting on a nest too, but I didn't write down when she started sitting! I just know it was way after the other two.


I would love photos!

(From everyone!) :D
@Alaskan, I thought they were Moscovy. Since I now own a Moscovy duckling, I have been reading up on them. The lady who gave him to me says it should be blck when grown. Can't remember which thread I posted on but I read a great article about them. We cqnt wait to see it grow out.
Can we total how we did as a group on this hatch?

If you could just add on to my totals, we could have a running total. However I am afraid I will be bringing the hatch rate down...

I started 40 eggs....
I had 10 hatch

for a dismal rate of 25%...

PS Alaskan were those a surprise?

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