Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

Amazing how different each bird is. I would have bet she would have taken the new ones as her own.

Of course, when I think about my trying to get Myrtle to adopt babies it did not work so well. But I just blamed it on Ethel kidnapping the babies. Maybe she only succeeded in kidnapping them because Myrtle did not want them.

Enjoy your new chicks, that you get to raise with no help from a hen.
Amazing how different each bird is. I would have bet she would have taken the new ones as her own.

Of course, when I think about my trying to get Myrtle to adopt babies it did not work so well. But I just blamed it on Ethel kidnapping the babies. Maybe she only succeeded in kidnapping them because Myrtle did not want them.

Enjoy your new chicks, that you get to raise with no help from a hen.
LOL...thanks! And yep..depends on the hen I guess
Also this was her first time hatching her own eggs or mothering chicks so maybe she wasn't as open to babies that weren't hers. Didn't recognize the "attempted adoptive" chicks cheap so didn't take them in? The little fluff balls are adorable though...all bantams
Whether the pictures will be accepted depends on whether they are indoor or outdoor chicks, after all this was Alaskans thread.
but they were hatched...;)


A fifth button? Button quail? Bellybuttons? What were you talking about? :confused:


Pictures are always welcome!

Are they a black frizzle, a blue something, and a something else? :lau

Wow! Aren't I technical today! :lol:
Hi All!
  Sorry I have been MIA and have missed a lot:eek:    back to working getting the classroom ready for kiddos on Tuesday :th   I did not have any more of my eggs sad! There were only 3 more that I felt had a chance but didn't happen!

In the meantime been trying to deal with my sad broody that lost her only baby:hit   Got her day old chicks to sneak under her at night...made sure it was dark, they didn't even peep when I placed them under her(chicks were on board with the"lay low...we are sneaking" in directions I Gave) but no luck! My girl was on high alter for the little intruders :eek:   YIKES!!!! So now I have 3 babies in the brooder(had for but didn't make it...pasty butt issues and think digestive wasn't working right...sigh) and my girl has finally returned to getting out and about :yiipchick  She peeks in on the babies and is tolerant of their presence...have to work on making friends later...LOL ;)

Sooooo not the experience I was expecting :rolleyes:   Lots of tears:hit

Yeah for babies anyway!

A fifth button? Button quail? Bellybuttons? What were you talking about? :confused:


Pictures are always welcome!

Are they a black frizzle, a blue something, and a something else? :lau

Wow! Aren't I technical today! :lol:

I think the button she was talking about is the emoticon buttons.

Yes, calichick, do tell, what type of chicks?

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