Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th


Poor Teachick! I find stuff like that makes me heart sick.

But truly, even if you had done everything right, it had a high chance of not making it anyway. Remember my leghorn hatch? I think four hatched, that died AFTER hatching and drying off. They just never pepped up all of the way. It was odd, and heart breaking. And also

So again, keep reminding yourself that it probably wouldn't have made it anyway, and a giant

Thank you, Alaskan!

@ Teachick, so sorry.

Back to the earlier discussion on hatch rate. I figured an overall of 45%. Phoenix @ 75% and Spanish @ 17%, others in between.

Thank you.

Let me do some chicken math on this...


Wow you blew my 130% out of the water!

The striped are phoenix, yellow with spotted heads buttercups, black are cochin or a spanish. If you look close there is a second duckling now.

I had two other breeds at 25% and 70%. Add that to your chicken math.

Congrats on the second duckling!!!
Also on your 252% hatch rate! I'm sending eggs to your house for hatching!!!

Hi All!
Sorry I have been MIA and have missed a lot
back to working getting the classroom ready for kiddos on Tuesday
I did not have any more of my eggs sad! There were only 3 more that I felt had a chance but didn't happen!

In the meantime been trying to deal with my sad broody that lost her only baby
Got her day old chicks to sneak under her at night...made sure it was dark, they didn't even peep when I placed them under her(chicks were on board with the"lay low...we are sneaking" in directions I Gave) but no luck! My girl was on high alter for the little intruders
YIKES!!!! So now I have 3 babies in the brooder(had for but didn't make it...pasty butt issues and think digestive wasn't working right...sigh) and my girl has finally returned to getting out and about
She peeks in on the babies and is tolerant of their presence...have to work on making friends later...LOL

Sooooo not the experience I was expecting
Lots of tears

Glad to see you again!!!
Sorry about your eggs; mine didn't hatch either.

Sorry your broody didn't buy into your rouse and that you lost the one. (I lost one of my NH Red chicks I got from the hatchery a couple of weeks ago; same problem, pasty butt; I hope that's not a thing.)
Glad she checks in on them.
with you;
to help you
Amazing how different each bird is. I would have bet she would have taken the new ones as her own.

Of course, when I think about my trying to get Myrtle to adopt babies it did not work so well. But I just blamed it on Ethel kidnapping the babies. Maybe she only succeeded in kidnapping them because Myrtle did not want them.

Enjoy your new chicks, that you get to raise with no help from a hen.

Maybe if you had hidden them nearby???
Maybe not?
Sheesh.... We have just kept talking, and talking...... :D

Now my mail order quail eggs are supposed to hatch between now and Monday.

I ordered three dozen, they sent three dozen plus 9 extra. I candled today, 18 are clearly not clear. :gig the darn things are so small, I really can't see more than that. Only two clearly moved....but even those two were very difficult to see.
I know it's past Aug 8th, but today/tonight I have 2 chickens and 3 pea eggs due...

One chicken pipped and zipped about four hours ago and is out... The other chicken pipped just a few minutes ago, as did 2 of the 3 peas...

Time to get another brooder going, darn staggered hatches are murder on brooder count... I already have 4 brooders in the house with different aged birds, time for number 5 since I don't feel comfortable combining any of the ages just yet... Normally I would combine last weeks and this weeks, but Guineas can be brutally aggressive towards smaller/new birds even at this early age, don't need the day old chickens and peas to be relentlessly harassed by the quirky Guineas...
A fifth button? Button quail? Bellybuttons? What were you talking about?


Pictures are always welcome!

Are they a black frizzle, a blue something, and a something else?

Wow! Aren't I technical today!

Yeah for babies anyway!
I think the button she was talking about is the emoticon buttons.

Yes, calichick, do tell, what type of chicks?

Thank you, Alaskan!

Thank you.


Congrats on the second duckling!!!
Also on your 252% hatch rate! I'm sending eggs to your house for hatching!!!

Glad to see you again!!!
Sorry about your eggs; mine didn't hatch either.

Sorry your broody didn't buy into your rouse and that you lost the one. (I lost one of my NH Red chicks I got from the hatchery a couple of weeks ago; same problem, pasty butt; I hope that's not a thing.)
Glad she checks in on them.
with you;
to help you

Thank you!
Black Frizzle!!!
A fifth button? Button quail? Bellybuttons? What were you talking about?


Pictures are always welcome!

Are they a black frizzle, a blue something, and a something else?

Wow! Aren't I technical today!


Yeah for babies anyway!
I think the button she was talking about is the emoticon buttons.

Yes, calichick, do tell, what type of chicks?
They are black cochin frizzle, Mille Fleur Cochin and Blue Mille Fleur d'Uccle......Blue is so tiny!!!! All are bantams.
Sheesh.... We have just kept talking, and talking......

Now my mail order quail eggs are supposed to hatch between now and Monday.

I ordered three dozen, they sent three dozen plus 9 extra. I candled today, 18 are clearly not clear.
the darn things are so small, I really can't see more than that. Only two clearly moved....but even those two were very difficult to see.
Good luck with your quail hatch! I have never had much luck candling and actually seeing anything....LOL, so totally understand the "clearly not clear" evaluation
Just know its full of chick
Sheesh.... We have just kept talking, and talking...... :D

Now my mail order quail eggs are supposed to hatch between now and Monday.

I ordered three dozen, they sent three dozen plus 9 extra. I candled today, 18 are clearly not clear. :gig the darn things are so small, I really can't see more than that. Only two clearly moved....but even those two were very difficult to see.

Good luck with your quail hatch! I have never had much luck candling and actually seeing anything....LOL, so totally understand the "clearly not clear" evaluation ;)   Just know its full of chick :thumbsup

Yep! :gig

Awesome about the bantams. I really like Cochins. My wonderful broody thus year was a Cochin (full sized white). I especially like the Mille Fleur color on Cochins. My kid's favorite is the d'uccles, and they are very small! Though, my bantam Ameraucana, same age as some d'uccle are SMALLER than the d'uccle, makes me really wonder what they will all look like at full size.


Ooh yeah! You can hatch with my quail! :ya
I know it's past Aug 8th, but today/tonight I have 2 chickens and 3 pea eggs due...

One chicken pipped and zipped about four hours ago and is out... The other chicken pipped just a few minutes ago, as did 2 of the 3 peas...

Time to get another brooder going, darn staggered hatches are murder on brooder count... I already have 4 brooders in the house with different aged birds, time for number 5 since I don't feel comfortable combining any of the ages just yet... Normally I would combine last weeks and this weeks, but Guineas can be brutally aggressive towards smaller/new birds even at this early age, don't need the day old chickens and peas to be relentlessly harassed by the quirky Guineas...

Yeah! More fluffy butts!

Thank you!

LOL :lau
They are black cochin frizzle, Mille Fleur Cochin and Blue Mille Fleur d'Uccle......Blue is so tiny!!!!  All are bantams.

I had the frizzle figuted out. Wasn't sure on the others. I love Mille Fleur coloring.

Yep! :gig

Awesome about the bantams. I really like Cochins. My wonderful broody thus year was a Cochin (full sized white). I especially like the Mille Fleur color on Cochins. My kid's favorite is the d'uccles, and they are very small! Though, my bantam Ameraucana, same age as some d'uccle are SMALLER than the d'uccle, makes me really wonder what they will all look like at full size.


Ooh yeah! You can hatch with my quail! :ya

More hatching!
: a fifth button? Button quail? Bellybuttons? What were you talking about? :

Everybody keeps telling me they have a fifth button for the emoticons...I haven't found it yet. :(

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