Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

me, I am ecstatic! I have an over 50% hatch rate on my shipped quail.

I had one that hatched with messed up leg joints. Everything looked OK, but the knee joints were a bit swollen, and the legs wouldn't move the way they should when I played with them. I was thinking, if they still moved right, or popped back into place, I could splint, but no such luck.

I hate dispatching chicks, and have a horrid time doing it, and never do it well........ so, please don't hate me.....I know it is super wrong...
........but I thought that since he was so small...... anyway (if you are squeamish, like me, close your eyes) anyway, I took him out to my Muscovy drake. I called "here drake, drake" so he knew he was getting a treat. He was very good, and much more merciful that I am. He snapped that tiny quail right up and in way less than a second it was over.


Congrats on your hatch rate!!!!!!!
Sorry about your baby
Thankfully I have never had to dispatch a chick
Mine that have hatched not healthy passed peacefully on their own thank goodness! That was heart breaking enough
At least it was quick
Thank you @calichicken did you really get only one bantam cochin? :hugs

I agree, they are VERY cute, and keep tempting me. I have to say very firmly "no single combs!!!"
:highfive: That's what friends are for!

I haven't ever had to dispatch a little chick (before fully feathered out), but my personal method is to use a BB rifle.
I don't like having anything to do with roaches; I hate those little buggers!!!

Okay, I'll start that right away. =)
I use the dry incubation method.  Most of my hatches have been 0; all my incubators have been homemade.  DH is planning on getting me a real incubator soon.  Also, I'm hoping to modify my little cooler-bator according to Meep's instructions. =D
Shipped eggs kind of get damaged in shipping; sometimes the "damage" is "repaired" by the growth hormones (I guess) of the chick, but sometimes the "damage" is too great.  Also, fertility can be an issue unless you're getting the eggs from a reputable hatchery or from someone you know you can trust to give you fertile eggs.  Orps are quite fluffy around the vent, kind of like Cochins but not as much; Cochin fluff decreases fertilization by 30% (for instance) and then shipping decreases hatch rates by 50%.
Did you crack one or two of the eggs to find out whether they were fertilized or not?
(I guess some, at least, must have been fertilized; you wouldn't have been incubating clears for 3 weeks.)

Sorry, I did it again...:duc   I'll just :oops:

ROTFLMBO...yes I confess it is possible that I have some clears in the incubator. I candled part of the eggs one day then did the rest a couple of days later. Might have missed some. But the ones that I fer shur did candle seemed to be developing.

2nd confession: I didn't candle a second time. I'm on day 23rd, and was going to give them until the 28th day...

But I figure this is a 0% hatch.

:( Lauraschicks
Thank you @calichicken did you really get only one bantam cochin? :hugs

I agree, they are VERY cute, and keep tempting me. I have to say very firmly "no single combs!!!"

I have to agree 100%. My bantam Cochin is cute as she can be, but then all of my babes are cute, beautiful, handsome, smart,.. ;)

But what's wrong with a single comb?
Thank you @calichicken did you really get only one bantam cochin? :hugs

I agree, they are VERY cute, and keep tempting me. I have to say very firmly "no single combs!!!"

I have to agree 100%. My bantam Cochin is cute as she can be, but then all of my babes are cute, beautiful, handsome, smart,.. ;)

But what's wrong with a single comb?
Can anyone say deja vu? All of my posts seem to be coming through twice. ..deja vu?

I have one tiny little buff Cochin "Ladybug"
I live in a cold, high wind, and high humidity single combs tend to get frostbite. 

What colors of Cochin bantams do you have?
Originally Posted by Alaskan

me, I am ecstatic! I have an over 50% hatch rate on my shipped quail.

I Would like to know the computation method used to get 50%. I understand these were shipped eggs and that is a different numerator or denominator than eggs you raise yourself or get from a friend.

I know this may seem nit-picky, but I am really trying to learn chicken math...

me, I am ecstatic!  I have an over 50% hatch rate on my shipped quail.

I Would like to know the computation method used to get 50%.  I understand these were shipped eggs and that is a different numerator or denominator than eggs you raise yourself or get from a friend.

I know this may seem nit-picky, but I am really trying to learn chicken math...


I actually computed my over 50% hatch rate from:

Number of chicks hatched that lived to day 2 / Number of eggs arrived

I have 25 live chicks and 45 eggs were in the box.

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