IncuCube Bator

No, it hasn't. I've been expecting it any day. I hope they haven't forgotten.
I emailed Randy this morning and heard back from him a few minutes ago.. He said my replacement top, turner, and hydrometer/thermometer went out two days ago by priorty mail.. So hopefully yours went out also..
my new top, replacement turner with motor, and hydrometer/thermometer came a couple hours ago.. I've boxed up the top, broken turner and motor and will return on Monday...
I've been working on getting mine adjusted since last Tuesday.. I'm to about 97 right now.. Wondering about how much heat the turner will make if I use it. also my duck eggs seem a little big for the turner.. they fit but don't know what they will do when it shifts.
How are ya'll doing/??
Mine which has always help the temps just perfect has gone wild I had to turn it way down and it might have killed the eggs with the temp spike grrrr so the turner is working fine but I have chicken eggs in it. So Friday I'll know if it cooked them

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