Indiana BYCers chickenfest 2015

Spring Mill is in my hometown! Have you ever been to Starve Hollow ? Camper and tent camping, volleyball, play grounds, basketball, beach, and fishing. That's one of our favorites!
Spring Mill is in my hometown! Have you ever been to Starve Hollow ? Camper and tent camping, volleyball, play grounds, basketball, beach, and fishing. That's one of our favorites!

I don't think I have but I bet its beautiful. We plan to move down around the river when we retire. I have a grown son in Tell City I rarely get to see! I love the hills and valleys, just lovely.
Okay... I'm going to be that "obnoxious poster" that hasn't read the thread, then comes on and says... "Can you tell me what the whole thread said in a single post?"

Seriously, though, I don't have the energy right now or the time (due to personal circumstances) to read through everything. Is it possible to get a synopsis? If not, just shake your head, roll your eyes, and carry on. I won't mind at all.

And maybe I'll have time to read through it all before too long.
Leahs : i think the "cliff notes" version is :
• voting on date to have the event
• voting on shirt color & if for a long sleeve T or hoodie
• also discussion on fundraising for this & future events
• also has been mentions on a 2016 location ideas
. . . . hope i didnt miss anything
Everything above looks like a wonderful summary. here is some more information about the shirts, long sleeve shirt, and hoodie.
The T-shirt ordering link is in the thread.
The long sleeve shirt or hoodie is up for a vote and plans are to get one of them ready to be available for ordering by mid March.
The color of the long sleeve shirt and hoodie is somewhat up for a vote as well. So far I only have about 6 votes for either the long sleeve shirt or the hoodie. At 6 the order won't print so I'm not going to close the voting just yet. But a choice will need to be made before the end of the month to provide time for getting the fund raiser all set up and the design resized to look correct.

Then there are plans in the works for a possible new design for the 2016 Chicken fest fundraiser items. Lots of ideas floating around. All input and possible ideas are welcome.

And the possibility of fund raising auctions for hatching eggs is being worked out right now. More details coming within the next 2-5 days on those.
it may be a little early yet , but we could plan on haching some chicks &/or bring hatching eggs to the chickenstock if anyone wants any - we breed Iowa Blues, EEs & EE mix, & Chantecler mix
i also would like to get a marans pullet (or maybe a couple eggs or chick) from ellie & blue egg layer from someone - maybe we could work out some kind of trade deal?
also some of them bielefelders too
it may be a little early yet , but we could plan on haching some chicks &/or bring hatching eggs to the chickenstock if anyone wants any - we breed Iowa Blues, EEs & EE mix, & Chantecler mix
i also would like to get a marans pullet (or maybe a couple eggs or chick) from ellie & blue egg layer from someone - maybe we could work out some kind of trade deal?
also some of them bielefelders too
I could see trading a Legbar pullet for an Iowa Blue pullet, just to add to the menagerie. If you are interested, lets discuss when it gets closer to C-Fest.
I could see trading a Legbar pullet for an Iowa Blue pullet, just to add to the menagerie. If you are interested, lets discuss when it gets closer to C-Fest.

I am open to trading some Bielies but probably won't be attending this year (too far for me to go back and forth in a day and too many animals here!). If someone can chicken train mine back and forth you can put me down.

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