Indiana Chickenfest 2014

Here is the list of people that I have that are attending Chickenfest.
chick rookie
zippy722 - possible
EurekaChic ?
barb s
FlockMaster - 614 

Hope that I haven't missed any one

Do we have any kind of a head count? I need t know how many hot dogs/buns to bring, and also how much "HD Sauce" and beef BBQ t bring. I can't open the google doc either so don't know if it's posted there or not. Also was wondering if anyone else is helping t supply a meat dish?
Looks like my DH and I will be able to make it to Chickenfest. Yay! We can't wait to meet you all, and pick your brains about BYCs.

We will bring pesto pasta salad with chicken on the side for non-vegetarians (like us) to add. We will also bring sliced veggies and a variety of chips plus various dips for the veggies and chips. I will see if I can open the google doc and add those to the list. Will there be a grill available? If so, we could bring brats and hot dogs and buns to cook there as well.

Oops, just noticed somebody else is bringing hot dogs. Does this mean there is a grill? If so, we can add brats and maybe some other sausages/wursts to the mix.

A head count estimate would be really helpful (especially if divided into adults vs children). Does anybody have one (barb s?)? If not, I would be happy to do the math if people want to pm me with their numbers. I can post a running total to this thread.
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Quote: No need for last minute arrangements. I just thought if some others were heading there by themselves, it would make the 1 1/2 hour drive better. It will be my second day in a row making the drive. I get to indulge my other passion too that Friday. I will be racing at the local dirt track in Liberty the night before.
See, you should camp overnite! LOL be hard to do that if you bring birds to trade tho.

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