Indiana Chickenfest 2014

I'm running late too. Dealing with a prolapsed vent.

I didnt get to see you much, hope your bird is ok. That's a very difficult problem.
I hope everybody had a great time and am looking forward to reading your tales of fun!

Our drive out west to pick up a black Orpington pullet was successful and worth the trip. The lady has a small flock (no two exactly alike), and this pullet was hatched in one of her school classrooms the first week of May. This pullet was handled a LOT and is very sweet and tame. We're happy we made the trip. We still need a few more pullets, so if anyone has or knows someone with black Orpingtons (preferably English), please PM me.

After we came home, we processed two of our third season SL Wyandottes that had stopped laying--and boy, had they! Sorriest looking ovaries ever. For DH and me, processing a chicken is like an upper body workout at the gym. We have three more SLW's to process over the next few weeks, then we'll be finished for a while. I dread when the time comes to process the rest of our older girls because our Australorps and hatchery Buff Orps are generally very nice birds, which the Wyandottes weren't. Cross that bridge when we come to it! As long as they're layin', they're stayin'!
Yup about it. My main flock of original birds are 3 next year... They will most likely stay.

We had a great time at the campgrounds. The temps stayed on the cool side and lots of shade around. My children loved the area and the playground. Than you very much to every one who helped put this together.
So glad you made it! and I found your roaster pan too

I had a fabulous time today! Got to meet and greet the most amazing people! Poor Chickee was tied to a tree all day I feel so bad! She's mad at me now! Because I won't let her near the "new" birds. She'll b fine by bedtime. Thanks to SallyinIndianas children she was kept entertained most of th day!
She's wanting the fuzzy peach sucker I bought
Hey wait...did you hear that...yep that what I thought, it's my bed, it's calling me... I'm beat!!! Hope everyone had a good time! Looking forward to next Yes already! Lmbo! Thanks again everyone for making me feel welcome!
you are awesome! Thank you so much for all the effort you put into our meal, and cleanup afterwards.
I was so glad to meet you! I wish your baby Chickee was able to be more free there.

Be careful on the trip back.

Today was great! So much fun meeting everyone. Thank you to all the organizers!!!
I want to say thanks too!
Julie, AND DH you are so totally awesome! Thank you so much. We couldn't have made this happen without you.
barb s, you guys sure know your grilling, and I really enjoyed getting to know you both more.
Please come down and camp more often when time allows.
You guys are both good people, and just a treasure to find these days.
Thank you everyone for coming. DH and I really had a fantastic time.. and I am going to bed lol gnite
Good morning, everyone! I was so tired getting home from the Chickenfest that I only stayed awake to wait for the chickens to go in. :th

Sorry I left early. I was getting antsy because my hens were free-ranging without me--I like to be here to make sure they're safe, and as I mentioned, the only person I can really trust to take care of them was there with me! We didn't get home until 7, but everyone was okay here, of course (yes, I know I'm paranoid). It was so great meeting everyone, though, and put faces to all these usernames! I hope I didn't make too much of a fool of myself. It's very easy for me to put a thought together when I'm typing but I know I can take a while to get to the point when speaking. :oops:

The food was great! I hope we can have a recipe exchange now! ;) If anyone wants a recipe for the rolls or gator tails, just let me know. :)

Looking forward to Chickenfest 2015! :D
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Good morning, everyone! I was so tired getting home from the Chickenfest that I only stayed awake to wait for the chickens to go in. :th

Sorry I left early. I was getting antsy because my hens were free-ranging without me--I like to be here to make sure they're safe, and as I mentioned, the only person I can really trust to take care of them was there with me! We didn't get home until 7, but everyone was okay here, of course (yes, I know I'm paranoid). It was so great meeting everyone, though, and put faces to all these usernames! I hope I didn't make too much of a fool of myself. It's very easy for me to put a thought together when I'm typing but I know I can take a while to get to the point when speaking. :oops:

The food was great! I hope we can have a recipe exchange now! ;) If anyone wants a recipe for the rolls or gator tails, just let me know. :)

Looking forward to Chickenfest 2015! :D

Glad everybody was ok when you got home. Thanks again to everybody who worked so hard to put Chickenfest together, it was a roaring success! We are even more excited about getting chickens now. So great to have such a nice community of fellow chicken owners.

I would love some recipes if people are willing. I'd love to try my hand at making the alligator tails, and also the 'hot cross buns' (with the apricot). I didn't get a chance to try everything - I was ready to burst! But I'll ask my husband if there is anything else he'd like the recipe to (he has been a short order cook before, so he actually does most of cooking. He makes the best pancakes I've ever had. I'm so lucky! ).

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