Info on Muscovies


13 Years
Jul 30, 2010
NE Indiana
Hi everyone! I'm getting 2 Muscovy drakes tomorrow, and have never had this breed before. I plan to add 7-8 hens ASAP, and was wanting some basic info on these ducks. I'm guessing that for the most part I would care for them as for other breeds of duck, is there anything special I need to know? Would they be o.k. in a large pen----100' x 100'----along with my large flock of chickens? Would they try to mate with my hens and injure them? Any advice on these ducks is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Congratulations on your new additions! From what I've read (we don't have chickens), you don't want to house your Muscovy drakes with your chickens, because they will try to mate with the hens and they can kill them by doing so.

We have mostly Muscovies and we really like them. They're quiet, friendly, and, if you're going that route, yummy.
Welcome to 'scovies!

Yeah, i probably wouldn't, i have 2 mature drakes, i do not let them near the chickens, yes some people have no issues but frankly, i don't want to find out the hard way that i do.

Go for as many ducks as you can, the two will fight expect it, also be prepared they may need to be separated at night, i stall my one drake the other stays out with the ducks(he's gentle) i have 9 ducks for them and am adding 2 more, plus have another nest so i may keep some females from that(if their are any lol)

Storey's guide to ducks if i recall right recommends Muscovy do best with 5 ducks per, but i'll double check as soon as my kobo updates
Alright, he states 6-10 but that is for peak breeding performance..

Differences? well, scovies girls fly and well, so be aware of that, they also like to roost i have a shelf in barn for them and some boards set outside for this purpose. Drakes rarely get off the ground past 1yo their bulk weighs them down.

If you go cold, i would suggest Vaseline on the facial flesh this reduces the risk of frostbite. While 'scovies do have an underdeveloped oil gland so in other words not as waterproofed as mallard derived they still like to swim, and need to for feather health. Kiddy pools will do.

As well because they are not mallard derived if they mate with one, all young will be mules(ie; sterile)

I think that about covers it lol There good, hardy, ducks, VERY broody and well documented for their fly eating skills..
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Thanks for the info! It will be difficult not having them with the chickens----our big pen is obviously not covered----so won't they just fly in there? Well, at least until they are to heavy. I will have a perfect pen for them as soon as I move a couple of Pot belly pigs!

I got 2 wading pools dirt-cheap today at a garage sale----couldn't believe it! How much area do these ducks need minimum? I hope that if they do fly out of the pen, my dogs don't mess with them----should I just opt for a covered pen? Would a dog kennel suffice---at least for when we're gone or the dogs are out?

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