International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

I am so worried about my chickens.  They are in open coops.  I am debating what to do.  I think they might be better off if I let them out and they can find places to hide in the woods.  The trouble is the storm will hit at dark thirty.  Right when they want to be on the roost.  Any one have any suggestions or thoughts?

How many chickens do you have? If you have any large dog crates or big empty brooders, you could set them up in the garage or basement or something like that overnight

you could get the main ones like Gabby and roos etc that you need to carry your breeding plan forward in dog or cat crates inside.

So are you suggesting I leave the ugly chickens out of the evacuation plans?  :lau  I needed a good laugh this morning.  Thanks!
glad I gave you a laugh.
I am so worried about my chickens.  They are in open coops.  I am debating what to do.  I think they might be better off if I let them out and they can find places to hide in the woods.  The trouble is the storm will hit at dark thirty.  Right when they want to be on the roost.  Any one have any suggestions or thoughts?

How many chickens do you have? If you have any large dog crates or big empty brooders, you could set them up in the garage or basement or something like that overnight

Thank you..... I have 50 and no basement or garage.  Do you think 45 MPH winds will be too much for them?

we get 45-50+ mph winds out here on the open plains several times a year. Makes my hoop coop lean a lot. Chickens were fine.

Most danger would be from flying debris. So check that nothing inside Will fly around and hit them. Same for near by stuff on the outside.

Sending special guardian angels that multiply as needed for you and yours.

This makes me feel a whole lot better.  I am going to put up a tarp on the side that the winds will be coming from ESE to help with the debris and give them a little wind break.  Thanks!
tarp from the bottom by the ground and up 2-3'. If you tarp the roof top the pressure from the winds could flatten it.
you could get the main ones like Gabby and roos etc that you need to carry your breeding plan forward in dog or cat crates inside.

I agree. Bring your best birds inside just for safe measure if u can.. pet taxis, boxes, etc. Good luck! We sometimes get winds that strong here and it blows smaller pens over and has even blown the metal roofing off of the larger coops.
Yes.... I understood that but I thought this would be sturdier for the process than an store egg carton. Use this and then vacuum pack?

you can use anything and then vacuum pack. it is good to wrap each egg in a kitchen towel, if it breaks it will not destroy many other eggs, the towel will absorb it.
It looks like the Hurricane is headed this way.

my goodness, I thought it was windy here!

my prayers are with you and with your chickens. I would bring the precious ones in the house for sure.

good luck!
Hi every one I m working in the new farm and my net is having trouble. I can t get to my lap top. I m using my phone very hard. Redbabk you have a nice flock there. Chooks man

I was worried you got fed up!

enjoy your new farm and your beautiful chickens!
RedBank all the OZI angle are watching over you. Hope u and your Chooks will be fine. Chooks man
Thank you everyone. Just heard we are right in the middle of the path. Winds will be around 65MPH near Midnight. The biggest fear for me are the trees, trees will be uprooted, limbs will break, we will lose power. I am surrounded by very old trees. Hurricane Hermine. I have been told I am probably not going anywhere for a couple of days. The trees will block my road. I live on a beautiful country road. We are the last people to have power and access restored because they start in the most populated areas. Everything is going to be fine. I don't mean to paint a dire picture.
I can work from my phone. All the Chooks look bantam to me. Sorry guys I ll fix the thing soon. We are having a lot bad weather last couples of days. Not as bad as RedBank. Chooks man
Did you get the container moved? Or is the weather still holding you up?

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