International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Would you say this cockerel is a 5 on a 10 scale or better?

I am not well experienced but will offer my opinion of what I can see in the photos.

He does not have great coloring, who knows how that will remain.

Are his legs black/grey with some pink showing through?

His legs are too light or maybe even a bit yellow coloured.

He might have a few too many points on the back of his comb, perhaps catch him and get some close ups of his face, back, tail set and lower half.

As of now he has a black shoulder and black chest which point to him being too black and not enough copper, he also appears more mahogany rather than copper.

His back and chest look fairly wide, which is nice.

He may be a bit too fluffy on his lower half, mainly the thigh area.

His sister in the first photo seems like she will color up nicely in the hackles.

Overall I would say a 4 of 10, just my opinion though.
Would you say this cockerel is a 5 on a 10 scale or better?

I am not well experienced but will offer my opinion of what I can see in the photos.

He does not have great coloring, who knows how that will remain.

Are his legs black/grey with some pink showing through?

His legs are too light or maybe even a bit yellow coloured.

He might have a few too many points on the back of his comb, perhaps catch him and get some close ups of his face, back, tail set and lower half.

As of now he has a black shoulder and black chest which point to him being too black and not enough copper, he also appears more mahogany rather than copper.

His back and chest look fairly wide, which is nice.

He may be a bit too fluffy on his lower half, mainly the thigh area.

His sister in the first photo seems like she will color up nicely in the hackles.

Overall I would say a 4 of 10, just my opinion though.
@RedBanks how are you doing? I don't know what time it is at you, I hope the nightmare has finished.

@Chooks man , it seems that the only silver cuckoo egg hatched! I have been told that 1 egg hatched and that the chick has more white than it should. so my lucky guess is that it is a silver cuckoo. my friend is at work now so I will know later if any of other eggs hatched as well. all the others are bcm.

I picked 1 egg from the fridge and my very first olive egger hatched! bcm roo/rumpless araucana-ameraucana mix.
@RedBanks , any news?
So far so good. It is still dark here. I have power. I walked outside, it is still raining. Just wanted to make sure no trees fell on the coops etc. They are still hunkered down on the roosts and from the look of it...... WET.
So far so good. It is still dark here. I have power. I walked outside, it is still raining. Just wanted to make sure no trees fell on the coops etc. They are still hunkered down on the roosts and from the look of it...... WET.

still praying for all of you!
@RedBanks our local weather related danger is forest fire, but I understand the worry of keeping a lot of animals safe when nature gets nasty. I hope all goes well.
I am in the process of collecting large pet carriers, enough to evacuate all my birds in the event we needed to. My husband doesn't know lol.

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