International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Thanks for the update.

I snatch the birds out of their run and plop them on the wood shed to take their pictures. They will not be standing in their natural pose as they probably think I am going to eat them. For example, bird 5's tail is normally at 90 degrees.

I agree on 2 and 5 as well. I am new to this so I am still learning.
Thanks for the update. 

I snatch the birds out of their run and plop them on the wood shed to take their pictures.  They will not be standing in their natural pose as they probably think I am going to eat them.  For example, bird 5's tail is normally at 90 degrees.

I agree on 2 and 5 as well.  I am new to this so I am still learning.

If number 5's tail is normally at 90 degrees it is too high. Tail angle should be 45 degrees.

My birds do the same thing. I like to set them on our feed barrel or bring them in to take pics of them on my kitchen counter. Yes I clean the counters afterwards. ;) But they get a bit freaked out sometimes and dont stand in a natural position so it can make taking good pics difficult.
Handsome devil number 3

Handsome devil number 4

I like Handsome #3 & Handsome #4

Handsome #3
I like how he is wide at the rear.
Rectangular body - I don't think the picture does him justice - his back looks humped and his neck looks short but I think it is the picture not him - they are all standing on a slant
Nice long back
He has a lot of flame in his hackle
I think he will have good eye color
Good color on ear tuft
I see problems with his comb
His beak has good color
His tail looks fine but need a rear view (for tail and to see the width of his stance
He kind of reminds me of Antonio when he was younger

Handsome Devil #4

Also like how wide he is at the rear
Nice long back
Rectangular body
Tail looks like it will be at the right angle
Nice mahogany shoulder
Not sure about this comb or #3 - I need Chooks Man
Love his copper hackles
Good eye color
Good Beak color
ear tuft good
leg grey with pink showing thru
Lots of color

I would like to see them on a flat surface front, side and rear. I like to do this..... a little scary but Chooks man will tell me if I have something wrong.
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Handsome devil number 1

I like Handsome #1 too

Good eye color
Good beak color
Nice color on the ear tuft
Some flame in the hackle
Nice mahogany shoulder
I like the flat black
Nice width in the rear
Nice long back
Tail at a good angle

Need better pictures.

For me #2 & #5 lack substance, they don't have the heft I like to see. Too high up on leg, tall and like a game cock.
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Thanks RedBanks,

With 1, the feathers are onto the middle toe.

For 5, the stance is more because of my handling. As well, you are right about the heft of 5.

2 is a heavy bird. I have 8 cocks and 2 or 3 of them weigh a fair bit more than the others. I am going to say a pound or so more than the others. Are heavy birds more desirable? I think my heavy ones are quite heavy for their age.

I will repost them in about month or 2 when I am closer to culling and I will provide front, back, side, head and top shots. I will also try to get some more natural stances.

As well, you might want to add to the first post on this thread some tips, such as the kinds of pictures that are helpful. Just a thought.

Thanks again.
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Thanks RedBanks,

With 1, the feathers are onto the middle toe.

For 5, the stance is more because of my handling. As well, you are right about the heft of 5.

2 is a heavy bird. I have 8 cocks and 2 or 3 of them weigh a fair bit more than the others. I am going to say a pound or so more than the others. Are heavy birds more desirable? I think my heavy ones are quite heavy for their age.

I will repost them in about month or 2 when I am closer to culling and I will provide front, back, side, head and top shots. I will also try to get some more natural stances.

As well, you might want to add to the first post on this thread some tips, such as the kinds of pictures that are helpful. Just a thought.

Thanks again.

I don't think feathers on the middle toe cancel out all the good that is there.

BCMs are dual purpose birds. They should have some meat on their bones. LOL

I was going to do just what you suggested but I can't figure out how to do it. How can I edit the post that I started with, it no longer gives me that option.

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