International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP


She is a girl to me .. the colour of her beak plus the golden I wonder if Monique did send you a Golden cuckoo?

I have to ask her .

chooks man
I don't think so

Must have been a slight shadow, perhaps just some trickery from my own eyes haha.

Dvoice brexton comment about your cockerel comb is bang on the money recording to the Original French Standard.
I fully agree with Braxton Brigade.
Why you don t think so
Chooks man

Just a misunderstanding Chooks man, they were referring to a question within my "evaluation".
Here are some Marans combs to critique.

1 Points on points forming "m"

2 Double comb point dips between 4 & 5

3 Out of proportion - too big - falling too far over the beak - short in the back


4 S shaped comb


5 Needs no explanation


6 Lobe stuck to the head, side sprig


7 Split lobe, too-large comb, the second part saw-toothed, lacking depth of points, ‘sketched’ and rounded points, protruding front-of-comb, excessive number of points


8 Points everywhere


9 Point on a point


10 Side sprigs


This is the problem with combs... variation haha, there are so many things that can be wrong with a comb.

I want to add a something about trying to prevent the 3rd comb from happening, brooder temps greatly effect how large a comb will get, combs are the birds main cooling device, if they grown up needing to shed lot's of excessive heat they will compensate by growing a larger comb, perhaps too large even.

Bev Davis lives in florida (I think), I saw her comment on a FB post saying something very similar to this.

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