International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

@Chooks man,

Old Man Tom posed this question to us about this coqs comb. Would you breed this bird with his comb? If I missed the response forgive me. Does a hen's influence have enough weight? Does it just require breeding a ton of them and then culling hard? Will this always pop up? He has been advised to cull.

I ll breed from him even if he did not have a comb. based on the type and the body color.

he is great type correct in many aspect . look at his back nice flat ,long ,
great tail, shape ,form and Angle
deep chest

he have a truck load of a good quality don t be afraid of using him .


chooks man
here the rooster I start with 2 years ago . one of the bad comb you can find.


here now his sons and daughters

Chinatown F1.

now his Grand son Sleek.

you guys can see the comb has nothing to do with the Sire .
the comb is inherited through the DAM ( the hen )

chooks man
I have the same problem..... very hard to get the eggs to look like they really do. My cuckoos lay 4s. The BCMs continue to lay dark. I lost one of my good pullets. I was in the yard when it happened. I saw the varmint running thru the weeds and went after him. He dropped the pullet but he had already broken her neck. I never saw the thing. I don't even know what he was. Everyone is in lockdown again. Very unhappy chickens.

Sorry to hear that RedBank .watch this vermin please .

build a big yard vermin prof for them so they can stay free all the time .give them 10 square meter by chooks and you don t have to let them out in the open .

you can plant some shrubs in they ward too .

you can t afford to loos chooks . they are very hard to get and breed .

chooks man
Quote: Thanks Chooks man,

Being very careful until I can get the chicken yard sorted out. She was a beautiful pullet, flat black, nice copper. It made me sick. I gave her to my neighbor to clean and eat. It made me think about all the chickens I have lost in my short chicken life. They are fragile and have lots of predators!

Cuckoo on the bottom, these eggs are dark and are on a terra cotta table. Just can't get a good pic.
Thanks Chooks man,

Being very careful until I can get the chicken yard sorted out. She was a beautiful pullet, flat black, nice copper. It made me sick. I gave her to my neighbor to clean and eat. It made me think about all the chickens I have lost in my short chicken life. They are fragile and have lots of predators!

Cuckoo on the bottom, these eggs are dark and are on a terra cotta table. Just can't get a good pic.

yeah just watch ,every thing want to eat them .

the eggs you are having are great color .few are great shape too OVAL .

I m going a see what the handy man is doing he managed to put the door wrong way yesterday. I told him this morning put your self together or you will be a cull ( he said to me what a cull ? I said to him out of the program - breeding or building or any thing you don t want it to keep going.)

later guys
Hey everyone! Sorry for being such a no-show lately. School is killing me at the moment. We have our first Pediatric nursing exam on Tuesday and there is just so much content. I haven't had time to take updated pics, but my oldest and only remaining cockerel from my Louisiana group is filling out and coloring up nicely. I am proud to call him mine. I was getting worried he was staying too black and wouldn't color up, but his copper is coming in finally. I get to run out to visit them on occasion but mostly my husband has been taking care of the chickens lately.

My group from FRF are growing up and their copper is coming in also. They dart around so fast when I go out it is hard to decipher who is who. A couple of the cockerels have longer-ish tails and that worries me. And one cockerel has an odd shaped comb that looks like the blade may lop over in the back as he matures. The little pullet in that group has a ton of copper in her hackle. I am hoping for at least one nice cockerel to keep from that group to pair with her. :fl

In other news, the molt is upon us in full swing. Feathers everywhere, and the layers have slacked off on laying.

Our female GP had an accidental littler of Walker hound mixed pups back in the spring and we kept the runt because my son wouldn't part with her. I am happy to say that little Tiny is shaping up to be a decent young dog and she hasn't bothered any chickens.. yet. She respects the chickens and gives them their distance. I am hoping she will make a fine LGD.

Sorry to hear about your varmint troubles Redbanks. We had a gamecock on a tie cord (tether) get killed a few weeks ago. Two puncture holes in the neck like a mink bite, but there were a lot of feathers like the cock had struggled. I had my worries it was the new pup, but there have been no other issues since. We seldom have adult birds get killed and our dogs usually do a decent job of keeping varmints away. Rowdy, our male GP is getting on up in age so he isn't what he used to be.

Anyway, sorry to ramble. I don't get to talk with chicken folk much lately and I am busting at the seams to make contact. Hope everyone is doing well. Take care!
@RedBanks sorry for your loss. I think you should keep dogs with your chickens. I believe any terrier would be suitable as they ignore chickens and chase anything running in the yard. my 2 terrier mixes even kill rats if given a chance.

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