International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Alright, alright you guys have talked me into it Squeek lives. That is what the wife and I call this cockerel. He is our first Black Copper Marans. My feed is cheap and I have plenty of room. Tom

This is "Wry Tail" who would have been my 2nd choice and will sadly be heading to freezer camp. I am afraid that his cons out weigh any pros. But thought i would share so that you could see why I chose Henri as my main man. I have 5 other boys that also pale in comparison even if they do have a better set tail. They race around so quickly it is hard to get good picks.

my hen with a bad wry tail gave me 2 beautiful chicks.
That is something I just need to learn to do. When the pullet was killed by the predator the other night I came close. She was dead, she was still limp and I thought I should clean this bird and eat her. I called my neighbor and gave her to him but I am getting better about all this. I need to be eating them. I have given about 30 away.

I understand you. I even stopped eating chicken in respect to my pet chickens. I agree we should learn to eat them but still cannot think about it. I had to kill 6 muscovie drakes and minced their breasts. I somehow managed to it minced meat but when I saw their legs I started to wonder who's legs there were and got out of the kitchen.
I forgot to mention italian, lol. south europe, anyway. he alone did much more work than 2 I had (a philosopher and his follower). be careful if you hire him to make coops for 2017, you might miss tihe season

chickengr I m aware maybe he s going a miss a dad line 30 june 2017 .

I m getting back my old friend from WA who help me build my container coop .he is very fast and reliable .

chooks man
I understand you. I even stopped eating chicken in respect to my pet chickens. I agree we should learn to eat them but still cannot think about it. I had to kill 6 muscovie drakes and minced their breasts. I somehow managed to it minced meat but when I saw their legs I started to wonder who's legs there were and got out of the kitchen.

It's very hard at first, it was for me. But then, we haven't eaten any that really many the world to us yet. The way I try to look at it is that their death is not in vain and nothing is wasted. They can do one more thing for another after they're gone and be food. Often times for us, extra cockerels become food for the dogs (they eat raw). Even meaties that are food for us are still almost completely user up. The only parts that aren't used are the feathers and intestines.
When I saw Antonio as a very young cockerel I thought his neck was too short, his back too straight. The illustration below is from the French Official BCM SOP. To me my Antonio is right on the money, am I just being blind to my own stock?

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When I saw Antonio as a very young cockerel I thought his neck was too short, his back too straight. The illustration below is from the French Official BCM SOP. To me my Antonio is right on the money, am I just being blind to my own stock?
no, we can be our own worst critic. He is beautiful and his shape mirrors the ideal. Awesome! You have and will have lovely chicks by him. I am proud for you!!
When I saw Antonio as a very young cockerel I thought his neck was too short, his back too straight. The illustration below is from the French Official BCM SOP. To me my Antonio is right on the money, am I just being blind to my own stock?

he is the exact copy of the French rooster .

he is going a make a lot baby chicks .

you are in the BCM business my friend. nothing to worry about except the vermin .

good luck to you with your this year breeding season .

All the best .

chooks man

Is this wry tail because it is off to the side or because all the tail feathers hang down?
A wry tail means the bird carries his tail leaning to one side instead of straight back. It can be carried to the left or the right and it is very obvious but I can assure you..... no matter how long you stare at it, no matter how long you pray it is your imagination..... it doesn't change it being wry. It can be bred out.

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