International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Hello Folks,

I've been in Southeast Texas for the past 2 weeks helping my parents recover from flood damage caused by Hurricane Harvey. They took 20 inches of water inside their house so I had to fully gut it to the studs to treat for mold. My parents are safe which is the most important thing! Now the rebuilding process begins which will take a couple of months so I may not be on this forum as often as I would like but I'll try to check in from time to time.

It just so happens that my pullets started laying about 2 weeks ago when I left to go help my folks. Unfortunately, I will not be able to track their first 30 eggs. My wife adores our chickens because they're pretty but she does not have the patience to track each pullets eggs. No worries though because it will all work out fine.

Take Care All,

sorry to hear that about your parents but glad it hasn't been worse.

btw, the eggs are great, congrats!
I can't wait to see antonio's son!

I am still waiting to sell the house so I cannot plan big things at the moment. I even found a nice place on the hill above athens, about 6 acres, just need to sell the house first. it is hard at these times. anyone willing to pray for me?

I will keep you in my prayers. I set up a dream board many years ago. I was skeptical but so many told of dreams coming true. Mine did, exactly what I put on the dream board. They say the universe gives us what we ask for, if all we put out is a vague idea of what we want that is what we get. Be specific in your thoughts. Maybe that is how it works, we clarify in our on mind what we really want and we work towards that goal. I was just thinking yesterday about my place and what needs to be done. My energies are scattered and I need a plan. The nice place on the hill above Athens sounds wonderful!
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Here is a pic of my Pullet eggs over the past 2 days. I'm well pleased with the color, shape and sheen of their eggs. I'm fairly certain that 5 or 6 of my pullets are laying. Now I just need to match the pullet to the egg so I know who lays what. I have the dark egg gene in my parent stock so now I just need to nurture and cultivate it forward while I work on combs, eye color and tails - all correctable in time.

Take Care,
This is my favorite coop. It is light but very sturdy, 1X3s and strong hardware cloth. For my climate it is the best. The only thing I really dislike are the nesting boxes - too high! This coop stood up to the hurricane but is light enough for two people to move with two furniture dollies.
IMG_20150628_174446_434 (1).jpg

I would like to build the pen below too for breeding pens or several small 4X4 versions of the one above. The one above is 6 X 10.

hens house finished need the roosting bar and will be ready for the pullets
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a lot of light and shade . they are going to love it

chooks man

Wow the building looks really great! How nice to have a skilled builder to help you!

I haven't been on since August and just now caught up on the reading. We are so lucky to have this thread. So much attention paid to our birds and so much knowledge. I love the pictures too! I don't know what I would do without you guys.

I've got a very small batch of chicks hatching from Lady Olivia and her new cockerel with the bad legs. Im hoping it's not genetic but it probably is. I will have to cull hard on the leg issue. I'm working with limited numbers anyhow until we can get a place outside of town.
This is my favorite coop. It is light but very sturdy, 1X3s and strong hardware cloth. For my climate it is the best. The only thing I really dislike are the nesting boxes - too high! This coop stood up to the hurricane but is light enough for two people to move with two furniture dollies.
View attachment 1139051

I would like to build the pen below too for breeding pens or several small 4X4 versions of the one above. The one above is 6 X 10.

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Wonderful coop too! You guys are so skilled, in many ways.
Here's the 1st two to hatch. Down color looks correct with number 2 least desirable? That one has a lot of white in shank feathers. Took a good long look at feet and legs and decided they look fine... As hatchlings. If any crooked legs come about they may not show until later one. But I'm on the lookout.

Down hatch color... I got into a bit of an argument with another Marans breeder on one of my Facebook group marans breeder pages. I am still so so new but I respect y'alls advice and knowledge more than anyone else. Someone had posted a pic of their chick. It was full on yellow on the front half of the chicks body and there were commenter saying "Bring them back in 3 or 4 months and perhaps we might make some guesses. Trying to grade baby chicks Is in my mind useless" and I chimed in and said "Actually, hatchling pics are very telling. I have found that chicks that hatch out with penguin type are ones with parasitic white. Unfortunately, parasitic white has run rampant in many of the flocks here in the US. I've been working on breeding it out of my line. I do not keep chicks that hatch with a lot of white."

Let me just post the screenshots



Went on to say the black with the big swath of yellow covering the whole front of the chick is actually closer to E down type.

I am very new and did not want to act like some sort of authority but I also wanted to spread some knowledge!
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Question for all, Does any one think there is a correlation relating to the width of the Black in the Hackle to any of the faults in the BC. I know about the wide flame male causing the female hackle to have less color.

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