International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Did you notice the soiled/pasty butts? Clean them up carefully and let them have some tea: oregano, thyme, fennel and aniseed. Add some sand to the brooder to help with proper digestion.
I did. I already cleaned them up, after I took the pics because then they would have looked strange otherwise. These were shipped in, so they should settle down in the next day or so. shipped babies always get pasty butt it seems, well unless I keep the water at bath temperature in the mornings and I forgot the day of the pics.
unfortunately downwards. He has decided they can eat his toes. So he is now in a hospital pen by himself. I swear he is into s&m.

he is just a gentleman. I have a rumpless gentleman speckled sussex. almost a year ago my dog got his tail. new feathers keep growing but his ladies help themselves all the time:idunno
Georgia, the only bird in her line from shipped eggs. She had a nice low tail and I planned to breed her to Waylon to pass that on. Her eggs were consistantly small. Too small to use. She was sold with Maggie.

big mistake . you needed her gorgeous tail traits in your breeding program .
you should waited for her to mature . any way she is gone .

chooks man
big mistake . you needed her gorgeous tail traits in your breeding program .
you should waited for her to mature . any way she is gone .

chooks man
I am sure you are right.
Her eggs were very small though. A lot of them smaller than a usual pullet egg. I expect them to be larger by 1 year old. I would not be able to use them for hatching proper Marans. And they were not very dark. After the first month of laying, they stayed a consistant #4.

These were my reasons for not keeping her.
If you say I made a mistake though, I accept that. From now on, I will consult with you all first.

Thank you for this.
Winter is only few days away down here , all my hens finished molting ,all looking great .few start laying . Dark Angel ,White Orchid and few more .
I have to start penning them for breeding soon ,looking forward to start 2021 breeding season part 2 .
tomorrow going to the farm ,will have new photos to post .
chooks man
Happy Breeding in season part 2!
May they create beautiful chooks for you!

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