is it actually safe to eat an egg that quit?

Why do you want to eat a chicken?
I didn't post this thread to argue. Please do not comment if you aren't interested in contributing anything helpful for cooking balut. Thank you

Pretty sure you do not require cooking tips. You are not looking for tips, you are trolling.

Perhaps you could volunteer for PETA, apparently they need folks to euthanize pups and kittens that are handed over.
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Why does anyone wanna eat anything? Plants feel it when you take there fruit. Grass warns nearby grass with that sweet fresh cut grass smell wen its being mowed. Is it hurting it? Should we not cut the grass or raise animals for food? Technically it's just an egg. If it wasn't incibated it would have been eaten strait as an egg. And once it hatches it can be eaten as a chcken...sooooo really it's just making another option for consumption time. Right? I feel like that statement is gonna start a pro choice talk hahahha.. I'm kidding but to each his own. Maybe one day I'll eat a developing chick egg with some peper and garlic powder. Maybe I wont. Dost make it wrong or right. People eat squid live and wriggling. Or they cook it and eat it. I'm sure it sucks for the squid either way but there is such thing as a food chain and the need to eat. We destroy to eat. Crops, plants, animal life, aquatic life. It's necessary to live. Who's to say what we eat wen we eat it is right or wrong.
And wow....someone even complimented and stood up for you "remarkably sensible, mature young lady" with the spca comment thio....I dissagree. I think your looking for an argument and are u excepting of anyone else's opinions and bashing someone for a curiosity.
Blooie, I responded in the manner I did because of what she said, if she was such a thoughtful poster she would not have made the statement she did.

I came down on her harshly?? LOL... That was tame, you accuse me of hasty judgment, re-read her post directed solely at me.
I owe you an apology, and since I made my post publicly that's the way you deserve the apology. I'm afraid I had my "Sophias" mixed up! I don't recall having any conversations with the Sophia you were responding to, although I'm sure in the big wide world of BYC I have done so a time or two. The young lady that I was thinking of, another Sophia, has a refreshing way of looking at the cycle of life, especially for one so young, which was the entire reason I was so quick to defend her.

I still will admit that the thought expressed by Sophia9 was the same as my initial reaction, I have been a member of Planet Earth long enough to know that different cultures do things differently. So while the notion of balut doesn't appeal to me at all, and the thought of a live chick being steamed sorta does sit wrong, I guess as a lobster lover I should just hold my tongue.

Again, please accept my apology for this misunderstanding. I simply had the wrong Sophia in mind when I posted.
And wow....someone even complimented and stood up for you "remarkably sensible, mature young lady" with the spca comment thio....I dissagree. I think your looking for an argument and are u excepting of anyone else's opinions and bashing someone for a curiosity.
Now I think things are getting a little out of control. Everyone has their own views. It's a touchy subject. There is no reason to get personal on a public forum for a difference in opinion. The OP had to know that asking a question like this (on a chicken loving forum) was going to rustle someone's feathers, and it did. All this is going to accomplish is a bunch of arguing and some nastiness.
Now I think things are getting a little out of control. Everyone has their own views. It's a touchy subject. There is no reason to get personal on a public forum for a difference in opinion. The OP had to know that asking a question like this (on a chicken loving forum) was going to rustle someone's feathers, and it did. All this is going to accomplish is a bunch of arguing and some nastiness. 
i agree amylynn. people can have there own opinions while NOT bashing other people for theres. especialy since the original person is actually asking a genuine curious question. she deserves the same respect as anyone on here asking for advice and shouldn't be ridiculed

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