Is my pot belly pig pregnant?!?!?

and i just came from checking on her again and she stood up for a second and had to lie back down and while she was up her stomach looked like all her weight was pushed to the back of her. like she has dropped so to speak. all of her weight is pushing backwards adn she is hard as a brick. and breathing hard and miserable she has her ears back and her eyes look droopy.
and i just came from checking on her again and she stood up for a second and had to lie back down and while she was up her stomach looked like all her weight was pushed to the back of her. like she has dropped so to speak. all of her weight is pushing backwards adn she is hard as a brick. and breathing hard and miserable she has her ears back and her eyes look droopy.
I wonder if pigs' temperature drops when about to farrow. I have bred dogs before (never pigs) and the last week of the expected due date, we checked our female's temperature rectally. Sure enough, 24-48 hours prior to labour her temp dropped.

Not sure how easy it would be to take a pig's temp that way. I do not have a pig (yet). You may get attacked for this LOL
i was wondering the same thing. but I doubt anyone has tried, most pigs wont let you. I have taken jazzy's temp before, after she was attacked. she might let me do it, but I am not to concerned about it, when she has them she will have them. She does have milk, but I don't think she is close

This is how she is Layin now. Both legs out behind her an breathing so hard an look like a push here an there. We added it up she got preg at the end of march so she is due soon
I would say she is close. I am surprised she has not moved to her nest yet. Although first time moms are noted for not being text book. Just think of your first kid. If people couldn't read baby books and were taken away from their mothers we would have nothing to go on and be having babies all over the place. That is my take on things anyway :)

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