Is my pot belly pig pregnant?!?!?

YEAH!!! babies. I have been keeping Cb and jasmine apart. Well she broke into the fence(she went under my chain link) to get to him. She did this exactly a month ago. She has gone in to heat I believe and really wants to be with him. She stands for him but he is way way way to little and young but she doesn't understand that. lol Then she lays down and lets him try and nurse her. I have given up keeping them apart. I checked on them and they are sleeping together. I am afraid to put him in the big yard with her because the dogs are also in there and I am afraid they will hurt him. So I guess she will stay where she is until I can figure something else out. Gotta get some pics
is my mini juliana pig pregnant she had recently lost her mate brutally attacked by my naughbors 2 pit bulls and i was hopeing someone can help me to see if shes possibly pregnant would be a miracle knowing hermate had left us amazing memory to hold onto.:(( if anyone can see in the pictures to determine if shes pregnant would very much be helpful thanks


question is my juliana pig pregnant im new at all this and she just keeps getting bigger as time has gone by sense she went under stress running from the 2 pit bulls that recently attacked and killed her mate :((
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Id say yes. And probally due soon with as big as that milk bar is. Post pics when babes are here. So sorry about the loss of your boar.
Not sure how to just start a thread. All I can find is a reply choice on the menu. I wanted to know if u have To clean their feces off when are bottle feeding them? or do their mothers clean them like cats? We have three female adult potbelly pigs. One had babies and we tried to bottle feed them because the bigger piglets were monopolizing the boobies and there were two that weren't getting fed and started foing downhill. We got their strength up but they took a turn in 3 days and both died. One of the other pigs had babies and she laid on all of them and suffocated them I guess? She just had another litter 2 days ago and laid on them again and suffocated them all but one. So we're bottle feeding it but past experience doesn't make the outlook very good. These have all been days old.....not too much difference with this and rejection. Mostly I want to also know if anyone has any advice on how to do extra things if there r any to increase it's chances. We r avid and caring animal lovers and farmers and try extremely hard to provide the best care possible. Any help on these matters would be greatly appreciated. :)
What are you feeding? No, mothers do not clean them or help them with elimination. I would suspect something wrong with what you are feeding or how much if both died or maybe something was wrong with them and that's why mom rejected them. As far as squishing them I always bed with deep, deep straw and babies will bury themselves in it they also have plenty of room they are not kept confined where mom has more of a chance to step on them.

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