It's Day 18 - Hatch on April 8th!

You know, that is an interesting point RHewitt. Both of the chicks that I have out now took almost a full day to hatch. I didn't time it, but it was longer than 12 hours for both, and probably close to 18 hours for the second one. The two pips I have now have been there since yesterday afternoon-they are working, I can see them pipping, but it is so slow.
I will continue to track the times and maybe we can all learn a little more about hatching. When I hatched my own eggs I had a 100% hatch and 75% hatch. If I only end up with 4 chicks I will be at 24% on the shipped eggs. I remain positive and hopefull that our slow hatches will still work out and produce better numbers for us.
I'm so excited! 13 of 14 of my eggs have hatched!!!!
And the last one I thought was a quitter has movement inside so it may not be a dud after all! It's kind of lonely by itself in the incubator, but everyone else is out! I was about to throw it out, and saw movement inside so I freaked and put it back and threw the wet papertowels on the incubator floor. Wish the little last one luck! Will post pics tomorrow.

4 polish/Buff orpington mix
1 polish/ Barred Rock mix
8 WCB polish

and one polish egg still in the bator that I thought was a quitter on day 18.

Ta da! My 13 that are out of the egg! 13/14 so far, one left that I thought was the quitter. Go chick go!
I sure hope they all live past chickhood!
They were from my own flock. I sold the rooster, so it will be a while before I incubate any more. OH, I hope they all make it! The one Barred Rock polish mix has already established dominance- plus being the first to hatch. Think it's a rooster in the making? LOL
I am on day 19 and I already have 4 out!?( Ameraucanas) I think my temp must have been a little warm? I have Genesis and trusted it to be on the right temp as it says too. I put Welsummers in first too so they should have been the ones hatching early if any..?? But yeah! 3 split black lav and 1 wheaten or lav?
Well - better news to update tonight. So far, 7 Jersey Giants and 1 White Rock and 4 Buckeyes with about 7 more eggs pipped.

To console myself earlier today in my misery of prematurely thinking a chick was stuck and trying to help it a bit and thus, it's demise
I stopped at TSC and bought 4 sex linked Golden Comets and 2 gorgeous little bantam chicks.

The incubator is quite busy though and I am sitting on my hands - assisted by my guilt
so it's much easier. Five little wet babies have just hatched in the last hour.
Slowly the chicks are emerging. Just woke up to 5 more in the incubator with one ready to split the shell in a matter of minutes and I can still hear the steady faint tap tap going on. I think that puts the total at 18 out of 30 + 1 lost during pipping.

I stopped at Meyer's Hatchery yesterday and they were completely and totally sold out of chicks and that's at hatching 80,000 every Monday & Wednesday. They added two incubators and will soon increase to 100,000 eggs twice weekly. The customer service rep said everyone is moving back to doing their own chickens this year and the demand is way higher than the supply.

I asked about Buckeyes and she told me "sold out" until Aug 12th.


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