It's official. I'm not a cold-blooded murderer after all ....

Hi Jenn.
Wow, i read your first post and i am so happy for you all. Those weeks you
nursed her and put slings on her ect, proves you did help her. If you think about it,
so well done you. You only done what you thought was best, at the time, not for her to suffer. Would have loved to see your daughter + hubbys faces though. lol Your daughter
hit the nail on the head, now calling her Zombie lol. How lucky was she that no predators
had her, what a determine girl you have, bless her. Not going to lie, but i have had a
giggle over it, i was picturing her keeping her eyes out, for her enemies. lol To think,
she survived all them days, is a miracle.You have asked now, what do you do, well
what you do best, nurse her love her, and try your best. Is she eating /drinking hope
so, all you can do is keep her warm, see what meds will help her, and give her time.
We are all praying that she will pull through it. Fingers crossed. :love
Thanks, bunches. ((hugs))
I'm not trying to being mean. :)
I'm just giving a little advice without sugar coating is all. Maybe I'm a bit too blunt about things?
Basically, make sure the next thing you kill is dead before you go tossing it in the woods. Maybe try another method besides wringing the neck because apparently that doesn't always work. :confused:
I think i'm going to designate euthanasia as hubby's job now. :D
To my understanding, hypothermia isn't painful based on what people who've experienced it have reported. I tried to find studies to back it up, but I can only find anecdotal reports. From my experience, when I need to feed my snakes and the appropriately size rodents are unavailable (meaning I need to buy live), I euthenize in the freezer. I never find any signs of a struggle, and the mice or rats are usually curled up like they fell asleep. That's just my 2 cents

It's not considered a humane method by any of the places that have studied humane methods of euthanasia in laboratory animals. Have you ever been outside when it's below freezing? It hurts your skin. It's miserable. Getting colder means you start shivering, you start not being able to move no matter how much you try- which is why the animals end up curled up, because they're trying to stay warm. There's also a significant concern that ice crystals could start forming in the body before the animal is dead. It's not considered humane for cold-blooded animals, for mammals, or for anything other than the invertebrate species that are unable to feel pain.
You should really look up a different way to kill the rodents. I know there are an assortment of blunt force methods.
Are you going to keep her alive now or put her down? It's your choice and I will not judge either way...just curious.
I'm going to try to help her get better for a bit longer. And I'm a little afraid... what if she comes back again?!? Did you ever hear about the chicken that lived without it's head? I'd have to jump off a cliff if something like that happened. **shivers**
The single best way to euthanise is with a pair of sharp garden clippers and decap. I hate this part of chicken keeping and normally get someone else to do it. I did have to euthanise my last hen myself though and as upset as I was it was quick and efficient. I'm happy that your hen has somehow, remarkably managed to survive this ordeal and I would pull out all the stops to get her fully recovered. I would be worried about a neck injury and I would try to take her to a vet to check her over to give her the best chance possible.
I'm going to try to help her get better for a bit longer. And I'm a little afraid... what if she comes back again?!? Did you ever hear about the chicken that lived without it's head? I'd have to jump off a cliff if something like that happened. **shivers**
Not to be creepy..but yes, something like that has happened. there was a chicken that lived for awhile without its head. Sorry if thats creepy or scary.
Here's a link if you want to learn more about it. Maybe it's not helpful to know something like that could happen.

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