Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long


It's hatch day!
Am I the only one getting frozen eggs?

The last Polar Vortex we got, one of my Roos got a touch of frostbite. We are not used to these temps here in Southern Maryland. So, when they were calling for another round of this weather, I boarded up all he windows (except the 2 vents up high), and added a ton of bedding. I even made a water heater out of a cinderblock. I learned through the last blast of cold to take the water out of the coop at night. I'm good to go, right?? Wrong.

No matter how often I go out to collect eggs for hatching, they are all frozen.

Yesterday I saw one of my BCM's laying so I went inside my warm house to wait on her. 30 MINUTES later, I go back out and its frozen. already cracked. I'm at a loss.

Went out this morning to feed them their first ever fermented feed and there lays 2 Cream Legbar eggs... you guessed it FROZEN.

What are you guys doing to keep your eggs safe? Any suggestions PLEASE.

Eggs in the bator are due next weekend (staggered hatch) and I'd like more to put in.. Im going through egg withdraws. hahaha
 Am I the only one getting frozen eggs? 

The last Polar Vortex we got, one of my Roos got a touch of frostbite. We are not used to these temps here in Southern Maryland.  So, when they were calling for another round of this weather,  I boarded up all he windows (except the 2 vents up high), and added a ton of bedding. I even made a water heater out of a cinderblock. I learned through the last blast of cold to take the water out of the coop at night. I'm good to go, right?? Wrong.

No matter how often I go out to collect eggs for hatching, they are all frozen.

Yesterday I saw one of my BCM's laying so I went inside my warm house to wait on her. 30 MINUTES later, I go back out and its frozen. already cracked. I'm at a loss. 

Went out this morning to feed them their first ever fermented feed and there lays 2 Cream Legbar eggs... you guessed it FROZEN.

What are you guys doing to keep your eggs safe? Any suggestions PLEASE. 

Eggs in the bator are due next weekend (staggered hatch) and I'd like more to put in..  Im going through egg  withdraws. hahaha
I'm getting them too it's upsetting
Well, nothing on my lockdown eggs yet, but on day 20. But my cochin hatched out a baby last night. Her very first, 3 more for her to go!

Now, back out to the coop for more construction.
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We are up to 9 external pips!

One of them actually pipped while I was watching! I was shining my little flashlight on each egg to look for pips when pOp! One more got added to the list.

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