Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

Oh look, my 2 Brahma Eggs....

are doing nothing (day 19). Just once I wish mine would hatch early.
Well Fuzzy is my only chick to hatch. I learned a lot and even did my first eggtopsies.
Does anyone have any advice on how to raise a single chick?? I am looking for anyone close to me who might have a friend or two for my little one, but not sure how that will pan out. Anyone near Lima, Ohio??
To those that asked about the Wheaton Am's I ordered...Arrived today..very nice, consistant color..good packing, 2 extra's.
Going to try pictured and hope the color is true.............
Well Fuzzy is my only chick to hatch. I learned a lot and even did my first eggtopsies.
Does anyone have any advice on how to raise a single chick?? I am looking for anyone close to me who might have a friend or two for my little one, but not sure how that will pan out. Anyone near Lima, Ohio??

When George hatched, I gave her a feather duster to snuggle with and it helped until I could get Astrid to keep her company.
Okay so I just candled the khaki Campbell duck eggs (it's only day three) and out of 11, 7 were for sure growing and healthy! The other 4 I'm not sure about and will leave them in there for a little longer. Fingers crossed I get a good hatch!!!
I've got 13 eggs of my own Easter Egger Roo crossed with RSL, BSL, barred rocks, New Hampshire, and buff cross along with 17 silver penciled rock eggs and 14 leghorn eggs also getting a dozen Dominique eggs next week!
With the cold I have been growing sprouts. Easy and cheap, and the chickens love having something green. Paid $11.89 for a 50lb bag of winter wheat, should last the whole winter for us. Here's the link if anyone is interested. http://hensandhoney.wordpress.com/2...rowing-sprouts-for-your-chickens-or-yourself/
This was so interesting

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