January 2017 Hatch-a-long

This is our third batch of chicks (first set to get to laying age!) due to a combination of our dogs, neighbor dogs, and natural predators. We learned a lot, like free ranging is not an option unless I am right there watching.
Also, I just candled my first attempt at day 8 and 10/12 have visible veins and the other 2 might. The air cells look great too! One of the embryos was really getting down!
Ooh, congratulations on chicks! I am looking forward to pictures!

Before we bought this place, we had a few dog incidents, mostly from our landlord's dogs. One time when we were gone, a strong wind blew our door open a few of our dogs got out and had a heyday killing and eating our chickens. When we moved here we had only 4 left. Now all our dogs and chickens share the same space and so far, no problems at all, but I always watch. We have accidentally left someone outside a few times, and I kind of freak out every time that happens because we just let the chickens free range the property. So far, so good (knock on wood!!!).
I'm at day 14 with my quail eggs and I put them in lockdown! But...

When I took them out of the turners I I never plugged it in!!! So they have never turned. How bad is that? I can't candle them, they are too tiny and too spotted to see anything through, but I can tell a weight difference, so I know they have developed.
Candled tonight with disappointing results. Ah well, that's the way it goes sometimes, I guess.

I'm sorry to hear that. It's not easy hatching in winter. I don't think my eggs are fertile (again) so I think I'm going to stop incubating until spring.
Today is day 42 of the emu eggs incubation. I tried the wiggle test and the larger one wiggled! The smaller one did not wiggle but the cooling test is still positive. Yay!
Yeah - just last month I had terrific results from my barred rock/ BCM crosses... this time, only a third - 5 out of 15. I also traveled a bit to pick up some purebred BCM eggs and only 5 of those show any signs of life either. I knew the shilped Biele eggs wouldnt do well - lost in the mail for several days - and I only have 2 of those devoping. So, there will, Lord willing, be some babies on the 26th, just not the crop I was hoping for.
Let's both hope for a great spring!
I'm at day 14 with my quail eggs and I put them in lockdown! But...

When I took them out of the turners I I never plugged it in!!! So they have never turned. How bad is that? I can't candle them, they are too tiny and too spotted to see anything through, but I can tell a weight difference, so I know they have developed.

Oh, no! I am anxiously awaitibg the outcome! I have read and seen videos where people have hatched eggs without ever having turned them and no problems, so I am hoping for the best for yours!
I am actually pretty amazed right now... I have dragged my feet about tossing the remaining 9 eggs in my pieced together incomplete incubator, and last night I finally gave them one more candling, and I have 8 active little chicks!! Well, I assume 8, but the olive green ones I cannot see well, but I clearly see veins in both. I am so surprised! I have been unable to complete the incubator, and have had no way to properly monitor humidity, but everything looks just as it should from all the pictures, charts, and videos I have seen. Now I am super excited!! Day 17 on those 8.

And day 21 on Buffy's eggs. I am really hoping that they are all alive after the weather we have had. Out of 12 eggs, there are 10 left in there. She is screened in now so any chicks that do hatch will not escape before she is ready to take them out. I guess if none hatch I can just give her whatever hatches from inside.


Day 16 on the Black Australorp's eggs. Hopefully they made it through the weather also. She also has 10 left out of 12.

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