Java Thread

That's wonderfully sweet of you! Are there any details you would like to work out (such as cost) (via personal message)?

I don't actually have any yet. What I was saying is I am sure that with all the Java people in the Southern area that you could get some from one of us. The soonest I might be selling eggs is this time next year, since I am just now getting my flock next week.
oh, duh...had a fever...wasn't thinking clearly...I apologize.

What I thought you said was that you were driving to Behl Farm to get auburn Java hatching eggs and were offering to pick some up for me, and either ship or deliver them.

Depending on their cost, would this be an option?
oh, duh...had a fever...wasn't thinking clearly...I apologize.

What I thought you said was that you were driving to Behl Farm to get auburn Java hatching eggs and were offering to pick some up for me, and either ship or deliver them. :caf

Depending on their cost, would this be an option?

Well gas is really high and unless you are in MO or AK....that would cost serious bucks. Just contact Behl farms and see if he will ship adult birds.
If anyone is ever looking to get Auburn Javas in the Northwest US, please PM me. My father originally got some eggs from Lyle Behl a few years ago, and has been hatching and raising Auburn Javas ever since. I would love to get in touch with other people in the area who are interested in breeding these birds.
BlackPanther, you said you live in the South, but where? I live in MO, I will not be driving near you. I would charge you way more then $95 to drive birds to you. The gas alone is worth more then that, let alone my time. If you are in any state other then MO or IL it would take me at least all day to drive to you, most likey several days. So I would also have to pay for a hotel room, and miss work.

I am not really sure why you think me driving to you would be cheaper. You could drive and pick up a whole flock yourself if you live anywhere near one of the breeders.

I actually picked my birds up yesterday, and although I only drove one state over, I was on the road for 12 hours- it was an incredibly exhusting day. To make matters worse, we only have one car, so for me to drive to you means that no only would I have to miss work, my husband would as well.

I am not mad or upset at you (since it can be easy to think that with just words written down) but I am not sure why you were thinking I would be driving near you. You also only said you live in the South east, but not what state, so it is hard for me to know where you are.

I would say your best bet is order day old chicks in the spring. You will get enough birds to start a flock and it will cost less then an adult bird.
Chicken Coach said he lives in Arkansas and you said he lived south of you. I thought, for some reason, that meant that you lived in Arkansas too. If you were going up to Illinois from Arkansas, it was possible you would be passing through my area.
My sincerest apologies if I've been a bit of a headache.
If you do not live in Arkansas or between Arkansas and Illinois then of course I would not try to persuade you to drive hatching eggs to me! I'm so sorry!

If you have chicks in the spring and would ship them at up to $5 dollars apiece (I can get other Java varieties elsewhere for that) I would be happy to buy them, depending on the shipping.
My interest in hatching eggs was because they would presumably not be shipped, the effects of which I'm a little concerned about. All things considered, chicks are far preferable for me.
But of course, this is a little irrelevant now, because of your location. And I am very sorry about the mix-up! I do not wish to cause you confusion or frustration, and thank you for clarifying that you are not upset with me!
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No, I am not upset with you, I was just confused. So where exactly do you live? Missouri? I would bet you are a lot closer to some breeders then you think you are. It sounds like you have already found a good place to get eggs, so that is great!
Hello I haven't read the whole thread but I am looking for some mottled java hatching eggs. I would like to add more diversity to my existing flock. thanks :) please message me if you ship eggs

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