Java Thread

So it all started by accident, I accidentally got a chick that The owner had no idea what breed it was, turned out to be a nankin, then I fell in love with the mottled Java and realized that both breeds are rare. So It has begun, I have 5 very little mottled Java pullets and a mottled java baby boy on the way here! I plan on breeding them and trying to preserve this breed as well as as many as I can of other rare/endangered breeds of chickens.
I don't care when the chicken lays an egg or crows, just as long as they are happy and healthy and well loved. People who don't want Java's or other slow maturing breeds are impatient and don't really understand the value in these chickens.
I plan on doing my part in bringing this beautiful breed back from the rare/ endangered/ unwanted list and help educate those who won't raise them because they are slower to mature in some ways then all these hybrid chickens, that there wouldn't be all these hybrid chickens without the original chickens who were here long ago. :)
I would love to get other advice about Java's so feel free to PM me your views of the breed so I can put together a educational paper to help the kids around here learn about them. Oh yes and name suggestions Please! Thanks!
Here are my First Beautiful babies of the breed. 5 Mottled Java pullets!
I think I will call this one Cruella
as for the other still haven't decided!
To tell the truth I don't name mine till they are all feathered in and show who they are in their personally.
Unless its one of those rare chicks that touch you in a special way.
I do have a idea for names. Being one of the oldest breeds in the USA .
Why not use historical names? Maybe research as to where and when they came to the USA , where they first showed up ( states) and name them after some of the things that you turn up. It would help in teaching the kids more about the breed with out them really knowing they are having a learning lesson. Make it fun and they wi learn more.
Just food for thought. If you want good info on auburn Javas check out the link on my auburn java page. Lots of info there.
Good for you on seeing that the slow growers are worth their weight in gold.
I suck at chicken math and Iknow someone else that does too. I added black javas to mine.

not saying any names but they are adding blue jersey giants to their flocks.

I suck at chicken math and Iknow someone else that does too. I added black javas to mine.

not saying any names but they are adding blue jersey giants to their flocks.


Guilty !

To top it off, I have these 3 Crele Chanteclers that are partridge sports so are not true Crele, so they need to have light brown leghorn bred in to upgrade their Crele coloration.
The partridge sports are e-locus genes, not true wild-type e+-locus genes like the red jungle fowl.
do I dare hunt down Lt brown leghorn eggs now ???
See if this is a good shot of the newest babies that just hatched............

OK soaring..check out chick with light face, back right...............

Same chick, center far a friend of mine says: "kewl"

The all white dudes in there are Beltsville Small White Poults.
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