Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Hoping for a great hatch for ya!

chickenshagg ... Are you saying the one with the copper neck is a Jersey Giant? Or, do you mean it is a cross with a Giant?

Splash Giants ... Good luck with your auction!
When I bought them I was told that they were Jersey Giants and that they were four or five weeks old, they were all from the same hatch. The one with the copper on it is the biggest one with the biggest feet and they are yellow on the bottom same as the other roo. I have only had chickens for about 10 months now and most of what I know I have learned here on BYC. He looks just like the other roo except for his copper coloring they both are black with a green sheen when the sun shines on them same way with the pullet. I have had Barred Rock roos and a Polish roo in the past and both of these Jerseys look like they are going to be alot bigger than those were.
Although the person I bought them from is NPIP certified I did after all buy them at an auction in Keytesville, MO and not directly from a "breeder". I had read before that they were the largest breed of chickens. When the auctioneer anounced that Black Jersey Giants were on the block I thought that it would be cool to have a few of them.
I do welcome comments and advice as I don't want to misrepresent what I have. I am still trying to learn.
Is there a chance that there is some kind of recessive gene that is coming through as the copper?
I'm inexperienced myself. But, in my opinion, I think you may have a cross. I don't think that is a Jersey Giant. I just know from the APA Standard Of Perfection ... the Black Giant is totally 100% black. What size are they? Are they big?
Kathy, was there something ever said about some gold feather leakage in black Jerseys? I don't remember the details, but have you ever heard that? Maybe I'm talking about a different breed?

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