Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Wow. That is an impressive looking bird.

Yes he is
Wow. That is an impressive looking bird.

Yes he is

Thank you!
I really need to get some decent pics of him and outside where I think the natural light will really show his sheen. I heard him crow today and he totally sounds like a teenage Foghorn.
I am interested in coop designs for Giants for breeding, rearing sorting and show conditioning. I have a barn thats 20' x 60' with a feedroom w water elec etc in it. It used to be for raising parrots and id like to retro fit it up for my show birds and winter breeding. Any ideas or pics? what not to do is as important as what to do! Im in sunny beautiful (cold n muddy rite now) NC. ive looked thru the coop pages. They show some nice coops but none for serious breeding of multiple pairs or trios. None of conditioning pens either.
Maybe inclosed runs with coop for each pair or trio. Depends on what your breeding plains are.
I have thought about it myself if I ever get the time to do some real shows. Since we will be moving back down to nc soon I have been making plains in my mind.

I was thinking of the covered runs with sand in them. That way a person could scoop it out like a cat litter box and keep it cleaner that way. ( help keep show birds cleaner too)
With A set up like my big coop ( can be seen on my website) it has a stormdoor with a doggy door.
But just enough room for show birds or breeding pairs,ect..
I would use shavings on the inside or sand and keep a close eye for clean ups.
Best of luck with making those pens.

Any way I was just going to post to say I got my first egg from my oldest blue pullet yesterday.
So soon Wynette's line and Bobbies should be next as they are a month younger then her.
Was very happy with color and size was close lg maybe just a hair under lg for the first egg.
We are in Central FL and I wonder if this person is still in the business?

yes she is still in business. She has diff colours of giants and lots of silkies
Im in the market for the Jersey Giant hatching eggs if anybody has some they'd sell me??? DOn't have to be show quality, they are just a sweet bird and I'l like to get some hens in the flock. Only have a roo now and he doesn't seem to able to take care of business with y 11 hens, they put up a real squawk about it and the other rooster runs over and breaks it up.
I live in Michigan
NC Giants - we just had a pole barn built a few months ago and I'm going to be adding pens/runs in this winter and into the spring, and moving my Giants & other chooks over in the summer. My recommendation is plenty of room in the outdoor run.....they need room to exercise, and they'll be in excellent show condition with room inside & outside. If you have blues or whites & are concerned about sunlight, you can put opaque panels over the outdoor portion of their runs - that's my plan, a man a few hours south of me who is a big breeder uses them and has good results with feathers not fading. My roosts for the Giants are 18" - I don't want them higher, as they are such heavy birds, I don't want them to injur a leg/foot when hopping down in the mornings. Other than that, good nest boxes (I'm going to put rollout nest boxes so the eggs will be as clean as possible).

ChickwannaB - I am in Michigant (near Flint) - if this is close enough, shoot me a PM.
Wynette!! I didn't know you had a pole barn built!! Wow...that set up will be fantastic! Lucky you! I wanted to say that your one splash is laying....very nice sized eggs!! My flock is doing well and I will leave in 3 1/2 weeks for Florida. I have my RV coop all ready to go to a girlfriends house...she doesn't raise any chickens so no bio security issues.
Happy New Year!!

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