Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Sorry I have not been on much or ever got to post pictures of the chicks.
I got sick and then house hunting and buying a house and fixing to move down to NC all that fun stuff.
So here they are much older now. Let me know what you think Wynette there is 32 of them (1 splash pullet) These are what became of all those eggs you sent me.

sometimes when chicks are in a box with square corners the ones in the corner are squashed by the others. Round corners work better. Big E
Soaring, you've got some really nice ones there, to be sure! I don't like the way the cockerel in pic #3 is holding his wing - check him for split wing, though I haven't seen that in this line. He could have just been hot & maybe just flapped & was readjusting himself. I'd love to see a conformation picture of that male in pic #1 - he looks like he might be a nice male! Are you all settled in now?
sometimes when chicks are in a box with square corners the ones in the corner are squashed by the others. Round corners work better. Big E
Hi, big e - Yes, you're right. It's unfortunate, but it does happen. I see you've been a member since April of 2010 but this your first post - welcome! Do you have Jersey Giants?
Soaring, you've got some really nice ones there, to be sure!  I don't like the way the cockerel in pic #3 is holding his wing - check him for split wing, though I haven't seen that in this line.  He could have just been hot & maybe just flapped & was readjusting himself.  I'd love to see a conformation picture of that male in pic #1 - he looks like he might be a nice male!  Are you all settled in now?

They where all hot the darker ones hold their wings out alot more then the lighter blues.
I will check them for sure on that.
The first one is from the first hatch and a fav of mine.
He is really starting to change and show what he will be like.
Have more boys in first hatch and more girls in the last. ( sorry at wk and trying not to get caught)
Not yet we are fixing up the master bed/bath and the other full and half bath ( out dated!) & the kitchen then the full move is on. Back and forth I feel like I can drive it blind now.
Be glad when we are done!
2 more wks and the move will be in full force.
God help us!
any info on a Pair of White from Springhill Preservation Center some in the area is selling a pair of SHOW White. But spinghill is a hatchery? correct?
How can some one sell show quality from a hatchery? Just checking for any input before looking at 5 month old pair>>>>
i think you mean sandhill preservation center. they have some golda miller birds but you have to read the description in their catalog to know if they are show quality or not.

see you got all moved in soaring. good luck with your new place. we might be moving too but not so far.
any info on a Pair of White from Springhill Preservation Center some in the area is selling a pair of SHOW White. But spinghill is a hatchery? correct?
How can some one sell show quality from a hatchery? Just checking for any input before looking at 5 month old pair>>>>
Hi there, I got my black Jersey Giant's from Sandhill Preservation.

The only hen I could show (the others had died of Marek's and rooster attacks...) has done extremely well:

Champion American, Reserve American of the 4H Show, several handfuls of best of breeds and varieties.

I hope you find some soon.

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