Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

My manly Jersy Giant Hen! Look at her wattles and comb. Yeah, she's a girl. She's laying eggs!

That gives me hope, theoldchick!! I had just decided mine is a pullet, but Wynette and Fifelakelooper burst my bubble. That manly JG Hen is just AWESOME!

Just "guesses" Chic...and who would have picked the old chick's pullet as a pullet?? That is why I'm trying to wait at least until 3 months to sort mine out. I have 3-4 that are still undetermined!
I'm taking the three definate roos to the swap - even if one is a pullet, I can't keep that many, anyway. I tried to take side-by-side comparison pictures of the one in question next to the roos, but this is the only picture I could get of it. This is where it stays most of the time I'm out in the aviary:


I've stepped on the poor thing twice already!

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