Juice cleanse

I watched the movie last night. I was very happy for Phil the trucker,and hope he was able to save his brother(Bear) through lifestyle changes.

I looked on the web site but the juice fasting diets all have food. Did the people in the movie just do juice,and how many times a day? Just 3? I was thinking juicing and blending,but breaking it down to smaller drinks throughout the day.
What is the mean green recipe?

I am picking up the kale tomorrow. I will miss my coffee.

I will give dh the movie,but the second I told him he would just drink food he said forget it.
This seems just as absurd as eating every meal at McDonalds. It can't be healthy. Why wouldn't you just eat the vegetables? I don't understand the need to go to extremes. You would be better off to just eat healthy, and exercise, even if that was a daily walk. Drastic diets are a recipe for disaster, or, at least, failure.
The extreme part is short term, 3, 10, 30 days, whatever you choose. To clean out your system of all the crap that's in it from processed foods, if you have been eating poorly.

After that, you go to a whole food diet, as in unprocessed. If you can hold to the juice diet, you'll have the resolve to hold to a regular healthy diet.

Staying away from the processed foods and cleaning out your system (fat cells included, they store more than just fat, the chemicals are in there too)

People with some serious weight and on medications need to be careful, rapid weight loss will release stored medication and can actually cause issues from an excess of it being released from the areas it was stored in. So if anyone wants to do it but has existing medical problems, you do need the supervision of your doctor.

Husband and I don't have any medical issues that require care... I was dealing with chronic fatigue and lack of energy... from eating poorly. I eliminated soda several years ago so I didn't have to go through that withdrawal.

All you need to do is read the label on foods. As in the ingredients. When on the front it says "No trans fats"... that's the least of it. How many preservatives and other additives are in it? How processed is it? Every process a food goes through removes nutrients in it. The purpose of the juicing is to put those nutrients back, and quickly.

Look at the pile of veggies it takes to make a juice. You can't eat all that in one sitting, and most people can't fathom eating it raw, unbuttered, unsalted, ect. Granted you still aren't getting all the nutrients from each individual veggie because you are not eating all of it, but the juice is concentrating the most important bits into a quantity you wouldn't be able to obtain by eating the whole thing.

At least I don't know anyone who'll eat 4 apples, a lemon, 4 celery stalks, a handful of kale, a cucumber, and a knob of ginger in one sitting, 6 times a day.

Another issue is the tastebuds. How you taste and what you find appealing... cheese sticks or brocoli? Carrot juice or coke? Taking 10 days on the juice completely changes the way you taste things, and makes it easier to eat healthy after that. You'll be able to taste the chemicals and syrup in soda instead of the pleasing taste you enjoyed before... more likely it'll taste like poison. I tried to have a sprite over the holiday... tasted like syrup and it's not even a dark soda.

My husband can't stand the taste of celery, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, carrots, beats... just won't eat it. Hide it in juice... he can't taste it and can now "eat" it. He also has a cheese addiction. LOL... that's still a work in progress.

How we eat now... nothing processed besides the cheese he won't totally let go. The ingredients for dinner here now is... brown rice, wild rice, red pepper, green pepper, sweet onion, garlic, tomato, basil, cilantro, sea salt, olive oil. Compared to the ingredients of Rice-a-Roni... major improvement.

I grew up eating organic/natural foods and juices... wasn't until I was out on my own and eating on my own that I screwed it up, started feeling bad, gaining weight... now I'm circling around back to it.

Starting to feel like I used to... this last week I have been naturally sleepy at 11, and bouncing out of bed at 7am all on my own. I haven't been a morning person in awhile!

Before I had to use sleep aids, and it was a chore to crawl out of bed at 9am.
Very good information. Inspiring and motivating is what it is. I'm taking in everything that everyone is posting.

I priced the Jack Lalane juicers at WalMart. $69.00 - $99.00. Not bad at all. Trying to complete my list of everything that I will need to start. Not sure about my calculations but gonna give it a try and do the best I can.
Quick question ........

If I make a gallon of "juice" at one time and keep refrigerated, will this take away any nutrients by sitting in the fridge as opposed to juicing a fresh cup every time? If that's ok, should I store in a glass gallon jug or will plastic jug be ok?
all the books and articles say if you can't make it and drink it glass by glass, to make it with a bit of lemon (citric acid is a preservative) and keep refrigerated for THAT same day or freeze it. Sources say the vits and such oxidize rapidly. I think it would ferment quicly too, and not in a good way.

Today is day 5. I'm nibbling on just a little solid food because I get too dizzy without, and it made a difference. I have digestive problems, allergies, that I hope to sort out with this, and ten pounds or so wouldn't hurt to go bye-bye. DH is doing better than I, lost some weight and an inch in circumference. I certainly don't plan on doing only juicing for much longer (once my weight drops to the predetermined level, or I just can't stand it anymore). It's probably my imagination, but the life-long dark circles under my eyes MIGHT just be fading a little. Now that's something worth putting myself through all this.

Tomorrow I'll go to the farmer's market for more fruit. Certainly don't need more carrots yet, I bought the 25 pound bag of organic!

Juicing radishes - these are pretty strong, next time do only one and not half a bunch.

the Myers lemons of my dwarf potted tree are so good - dropped through the juicer whole. Mmmm.
If you're getting dizzy you're not drinking frequently enough. That's a sign of not eating enough... dizziness, lightheaded, can go on to feeling faint. You need to drink frequently to avoid changes in your blood sugars that bring on the feelings of lack of food. Don't forget the water! Like a liter of water a day.

My brother in law and his wife are doing 30 days after being so successful with the 10 day. We cheated the whole way through the 10 days by having the rice or bean meals (beans have a lot more protein, and that's the one thing lacking in the juicing) but the portions are small. So... we're going to keep on trucking like we are and reduce the juice as we get better at eating healthy... as in more raw vegetables. Working on variety, and getting flavors going on.

We have giant dinner plates... I set them aside and we're eating from bowls. You don't feel as compelled to fill a bowl full as you do to fill the wide empty expanse of a "proper" dinner plate. Steak plates, is what those are.

Black bean burgers are good! Found that out over the holiday.
Hang on in there. You can do it.

Thanks for posting that information. I will do as you have suggested about the lemon but only make enough for daily servings.
That's what we do, make a pitcher full in the morning for the rest of the day, so we only have to full with the mess once.

You can do it! Just do one day at a time, and don't choose how many days you'll do it for. Before you know it, you're at 10, or 20, or 30!

We're at day 12... we went out of town for the holiday and didn't have room for the juicer and all the veggies, so we ate carefully instead. I didn't have not one desert plate!
isn't fat sick and nearly dead a great movie? i started juicing because of that movie, too.
Def check out the 3 Day Cleanse book by Zoe Sakoutis and Erica Huss. i used the recipes in the book when i began juicing and they are all really delicious and easy to make. my favorite is the pineapple raspberry mint and chocolate cashew milk! soooo goood.

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