Juice cleanse

I've gotten a bit, ahem, slow of the digestion. Ground flax seed this am. I've been drinking a lot of water; it's not helped.

Just a few minutes ago, my will broke and I ate: one egg fried with bacon crumbles, a venison patty, ALL the leftover homemade cranberry sauce, and the last three slices of roast beast (thought it was gone already, but, hey NOW it is).

On wards to others things: got the new juicer delivered last night; wow, that thing is so much better than the almost vintage freebie tiny thing.

My penance, please? I'm guilting out big time.
Penance? LOL... Shot of ginger juice, straight up.
I am just on day three and not really doing a full cleanse since I still drink coffee daily.I also modified the mean green. I usually drink a mix of : Kale,cranberries,carrot,apple,cucumber,beet,parsely,and broccoli(sp?). Oh and last night I add a TBS of fiber powder.

I was cleaning dd's grapfruit and ate a slice before I remembered.My goal is 12-28 since I started on 11-28.See where I am at on that day. Lost a lot of water weight already . On the weekend I was 189 and this am 184.

Ginger and kale with some wheat grass is a nasty punishment for eating,lol.

Does the juice actually clean out the gut,or do you need to do a colon cleanse for that? I sure would like to clean and detox the whole body.Maybe some dandilion and milk thistle tea for the liver.
Yeah it's normal the first couple of days. I felt like I had a cinder block in my gut when we were only doing the mean green drink.

Adding in an equal amount of carrot juice mixture seemed to help.
There is a rice diet that you do for several days with fresh fruit that my FIL swears by. It is brown rice though and it is tough to stick to until the end I must say.
Note to self, never try Carrot and cucumber juice on a whim again

Note to anyone else, Mango doesn't juice well LOL It turns into a paste..

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