July 2023 Hatch-A-Long

Hello. I suppose I’ll be joining in this month, mostly Because I feel like i need to talk to people about incubation…
i got a dozen shipped(like all the way across the country shipped) polish eggs that I set the 24th, so they’ll hatch July 15th- week of my birthday, so a belated birthday gift if any will hatch- so far I’m down to 5 viable ones, maybe 7, which I’ll see when I candle again in a few days.
4 of my viable eggs were ones with issues- aircells that looked detached when I got them, yolk being wobbly and drifty when i candled them the first time. These 4 are the eggs that are thriving the most now though, and when I candled them tonight, none looked to have any issues… I may cry if they end up being the only ones to hatch. Out of 6 normal, undamaged eggs, I have 1 or 2 i feel may be alive. I’m leaning towards 1 though. A third is questionable, and the fourth I kept in there to see if it does anything, but Ill probably end up tossing it next candling session.

Does anyone have experience with eggs with detached aircells hatching? Asking, because although the eggs look normal now, I’m still paranoid something will go wrong.
I haven't had any luck with fully detached air cells even developing. But wobbly air cells that slid down the side of the egg I did. Most ended up saddled some horribly saddled but hatched just fine!
This little guy [guinea: 28-day course] has been in the incubator for 11 days, and was really dancing when I candled this morning!
I haven’t seen such quality in comparison to candlings of previous eggs, so I’m crossing fingers that this one and its hatchmate continue to develop well. (Each has lost 2g in mass since Day 0, this one being the first to drop noticeably.)

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Edit=species clarification
“39g” as this one is nicknamed has begun making pipping sounds! Technical due date is something like July 3, but my first hatches from the broody nest were early.

The other egg I’d been monitoring was “44g” but I think it succumbed to fate around a week ago because it looks much different inside by now. :hmm
She has 5 so far


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Lockdown has begun! Set humidity for 65% and I’m hoping at least a couple hatch. But I’ll be honest, I’m nervous I won’t have any hatch since it’s my first time.

Also, I decided to attempt an egg carton hatch since I am a bit worried about their air cells. On my last candling it looked like 2 might be a bit detached (at best they’re horribly saddled). If I see some pips and zips I may lay them out of the carton.

Fingers crossed I have some silkie babies in a few days!
today was day 3 for my shipped eggs so I candled. It was HORRIBLE. I for sure so life in 6 out of 17!!!! I had a couple that were ? and some I am pretty sure will be clears. The sad thing is 2 that had life a7re ones I kept (I had extra so sold 19 of them that weren't ones I wanted anyways) that I didn't really want but decided to incubate them as they were popular when I hatched them earlier. So I have 4 colored eggs that have life and 3 are EE's. was hoping to have a few different ones to choose from. I wanted project cochins, BB brahmas (have 1 with life), BYM, EE and only have 1 BB and the 3 EE. :( This was going to be my last hatch to try to complete who I was keeping this year and I want colored layers. Now not sure if I should hatch more. maybe some will surprise me and show signs of life in a couple days.

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