June 23, 2012 Pampered Pullets Farm swap in Ocala, FL

The next show will be the Annual Fall Show held at the Citrus County Fairgrounds Auditorium in Inverness, Florida on November 10th 2012. It will be a Double show, with 2 sets of judges looking over the birds. The catalog and entry form will be available the first week of October.

The schedule for the Florida fairs and livestock expositions 2012-2013 season will be posted online in late August.
Great, thank you. Is there somewhere I should be looking to get the entry information?
Woo-Hoo! I'm looking forward to coming to the swap! Might be looking for a young Silkie roo of good quality. My son would be using him for FFA next spring.
I will be bringing various sizes of cages, and probably some Red Sex-link and Heritage RIR cockerels 5/6 week old, and possibly some Red Sex-link pullets 5/6 weeks old and some single comb RIW straight run chicks that will be about 4/5 weeks old.
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Glad you'll have some pullets. If I get any more folks looking for sex-links I'll point them your way as I have sold all of mine until this fall when I put the next order in.

I do still have White Leghorn pullets for any who are interested and plenty of turkeys!
Well, looks like right now the weather gods are calling for an 80% chance of rain for Saturday. But living in Florida we all know that the weather can change in 10 minutes. We are going to have this swap rain or shine so just bring your canopies, tents and umbrellas in case if it does rain. We will see how many times the weather forecast changes between now and then. Just keep the 30th open on your calendar because if the weather is too crappy on the 23rd then we will run a swap on the 30th to make up for it.

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