June 23, 2012 Pampered Pullets Farm swap in Ocala, FL

What forecast are you looking at? I just checked the Weather Service and they are only predicting a 30% chance.

Of course four days out the error factor can be quite large too. Even if it does rain it will likely do it in the mid to late afternoon after the swap is over.

I am going to be there regardless. Bring your cages and take home a turkey!
What forecast are you looking at? I just checked the Weather Service and they are only predicting a 30% chance.
Of course four days out the error factor can be quite large too. Even if it does rain it will likely do it in the mid to late afternoon after the swap is over.
I am going to be there regardless. Bring your cages and take home a turkey!
I just looked and saw the same as you, but it will be just my luck that the first swap I'm able to make gets rained out and I have to work on the 30th
I just looked and saw the same as you, but it will be just my luck that the first swap I'm able to make gets rained out and I have to work on the 30th
Cindy, E-mail or PM me with dates you are off and we will try to schedule a swap for when your off.

The weather sites I've been checking has an 80% chance of rain for Saturday. I'm leaving my options open and will get ready Friday.
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I'm going to try to attend.I am already committed to Stride Dressage training event for new volenteers. I'd like to come and just observe. I'm a new chicklet mom. Will it still be going around 4? Where are you located?
I'm going to try to attend.I am already committed to Stride Dressage training event for new volenteers. I'd like to come and just observe. I'm a new chicklet mom. Will it still be going around 4? Where are you located?
We never know how long these are going to last. We have had them go as late as 6pm but most of the time they end around 2pm. But you are welcome to come out and visit any time just call first to make sure we are here. We are located about half way between Ocala and Dunnellon off Hwy 40 West and SW 140th. There will be plenty of signs from there. We hope you can make it.
I just looked and saw the same as you, but it will be just my luck that the first swap I'm able to make gets rained out and I have to work on the 30th
We are going to be here rain or shine and so far it sounds like there will be a lot of other people here regardless of the weather. Its been so long since there has been an open swap around here that I think it could be snowing and blowing 50mph and people would still be here. LOL. Between Alieda and us, I think we are going to try to have a swap every 4th Saturday of the month. We will see how it goes.
The rain chance is creeping up thanks to that low coming up from the south but it will still likely not rain until the mid-afternoon so plenty of time for a swap!

In addition to the White Leghorn pullets and turkeys I'll also be bringing some young cockerels for anyone looking for a dinner companion. Won't be table ready yet, but I'll sell them cheap so that you can feed them out the rest of the way.
We are going to be here rain or shine and so far it sounds like there will be a lot of other people here regardless of the weather. Its been so long since there has been an open swap around here that I think it could be snowing and blowing 50mph and people would still be here. LOL. Between Alieda and us, I think we are going to try to have a swap every 4th Saturday of the month. We will see how it goes.
Had a buyer take all of my remaining Midget White turkeys yesterday but for three that I saved out specifically for this swap. Still have plenty of heritage (as in non-hybrid) Bronze turkeys.

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