Just curious? Who names all their chickens and who doesn't?

My answer is no but yes...

We don't name the ones we are going to sell except by their breed. (Maybe I should say that we don't sell the ones we named!)
Some we have named are:
Mama Australorp - because she was all big and had wobbly bits all over her and adopted 8 chicks and sorted out their "best bed" fights!, whose name changed to Mama Austranought by my 3year old girl who heard her big brother talking "Space missions"!

Fluffy Meg also named by my 3year old when she was 3 days old, who was also very worried when her feathers came in because she wasn't fluffy any more, which we solved by showing her her eggwarmer fluff!!

Buffy - who is a buff orp cross.

Some of the others have character names - bare neck, "that one with the one tail feather", the one with the crooked comb...The others are "the Buff Girls", the Light Sussex girls, the laying hens, the white ones, the Isa brown pullets, that black one, The feather foot ones, Fluffy megs chicks, the wyandottes, the salmon guy, and a few others who have died or passed on.

Mainly it's for reference really "One of the laying hens, the one with the extra toe, is missing her leg feathers...etc!"
All of our 40+ chickens have names. If several look alike and I can't tell them apart they get the same name. Some of them actually know their names and come when I call them.
Our 6 year old grand daughter asked me what there names were. Taken aback, I told her I never thought about naming a chicken, especially when I know someday they will be eaten. So I told her maybe we could call them chicken salad, chicken stew, chicken sauce piquant, barbequed chicken and last but not least, we could call the scrawny, pesty one, chicken sh**.
Yes yes yes - all of our peeps are named - and most respond to me calling their name. We have 21 - 2yr olds and just hatched out 28 babies from our very own eggs! We incubated 35 - 4 were not fertile. only 2 that were fertile did not hatch and 29 hatched! We have lost one -
- at one day old ....but the rest are doing great. We name ours- or I should say I name ours after we have a chance to get to experience the personality of each as they grow.
We try to use old fashion type names and have made a list and add to that list as we come across ppl and names that we like and then pick names as our peeps grow and their individual personalities begin to show. It is amazing to watch. So name away....
I have 40+and all are named. I tend to do them in themes. We started with the Disney Chicks, Snow White, Pocahontas, Perdita & Pongo, Cruella Deville, etc; and a pair, Aurora & Borealis; then precious metals, Silver, Steely, Platinum, Goldie, etc; now we also have the "Jewel" girls, Amethyst, Sapphire, Topaz, etc. The "metamorphism girls, Special, Spectacle; The "flower" group, Dandelion, Perriwinkle, Flower, Marigold, Daisy, all Ameraucana bantams. And some are named for descriptive uses, Lefty and Righty, the "Twins" who are identical but banded on different legs.
I name all my critters. You have to call them something, don't you? When we got two turkeys, my husband warned me not to name them because we were planning on eating them. I HAD to name them, so I named one Drumstick and the other Wishbone. Before Drumstick and Wishbone, we had another turkey chick I named Entrée, but it was so stupid, it wouldn't eat and died. Wishbone turned out to be a HUGE tom who attacked me more than once, so he had it coming. He dressed out at 45.7 pounds! Drumstick, on the other hand, was the sweetest hen you could ever want, and I don't mean taste. she came when called, followed us around the yard, LOVED to be petted and hugged, would knock on the door when she wanted hugs and was a joy to have around. Our nieghbor's dog jumped our fence and killed her when she was 2 1/2 years old. I still mourn her loss.

I like to get to know my birds before I mane them. I named one of my Americaunas after my grandmother. the amazing thing is, she ACTS like my grandmother! She's terribly smart and knows her name. she tries to get in the car when I do to go for rides and follows me around. When she looks at you, she really looks AT you, not through you. She likes to get into mischief, just like my grandmother, too. My Mom says she thinks my grandmother is in heaven, looking down and telling my chicken what to do.
We named our chickens, mostly on the descriptive style. With small kids it's been fun. We have a speedy, chippy-skunk, purple peeper, black back, henny, sooky.... anyway, i love to give them identities, however i also name my cars...
Yes, we named our chicks!! It is our first time having hens as well and we fell in love with them the moment we saw them! Two are Black Australorps and looked so much alike we "had" to name them--those two are Sweet Peep (Peep for short) and Flower (she resembled the skunk in Bambi) and then we have an Ameraucana named Gertie. Had I waited to name them our little Flower would be Honker (she sounds like a HORN!!), but Gertie & Peep have stuck!!

If they were for eating I don't know that I could name them, but we have them for fun and of course eggs!!
I have 11 chickens and 4 ducks, and I named only one. She is a barred rock, and I named her baby. Because she
Is so sweet. She used to have white feathers by her eye, but now its gone, so don't know which one she
now I call the chicks babies, and the ducks , duckies. I wish I knew who baby is!
I only have two chicks right now, and yes, they are named. Henryetta and Wyatte. I've ordered 7 chicks and am already thinking of names. I was a history major and love historical type names. So, am thinking of First Lady's names. Dolly Madison, Martha, Elenor, Mary Todd (for the flighty one)
and so on. I've requested hens in my order hopefully no roosters except for Wyatte. I also have 6 rabbits all named but still call them all Bun bun like cafarmgirl. So chicks will probably most often be called "Chick chicks"

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