Just curious? Who names all their chickens and who doesn't?

Of course we name them! All of them. Laverne, Sylvia, Roxy, Penny, Maxine, JR, Roberta, Thelma, Louise, Lola, Delila, Wilma, Betty, Lillian, Gladys, Daisy, Ursula and Greta. Only two are the same breed (Barred Rock) and they are different ages so we can tell them apart. RIP Gloria, Tweety and Richard. Lorenzo and Onslo were too manly to live here.
I name all my chickens by the time they are 12 wks old. they start out just #'s. some find their own name. but most i give names to. last year when i started breeding bantam australorps. i decided to name all the ones hatched in 2010 with names that start with the letter A this year i"m naming them with names that start with B's. next year it will be C's.this will help me keep track of how old they are. my chickens all answer to chick, chick, and they also know when i say "how my babies" there is a treet for them. some also do come when there name is called. right now i have 26 adult chickens, 19 chicks between 5 & 9 wks and 3 chicks hatched so far today. & 1 adult male guinea.
names are baby, numbnuts, beauty, buster, jewell, big mike, sport, little sport, goldie, blanch,snowball,sweetie,tina,climber, gull, wink, blink, nod, diva, hat, buddy, hijack, cole, rea, mr. roo,a1, abby,alex, buddy, bee bee, butch, bare, bonnie, bessie, boink ,and the guinea is newt
I have 11 hens and I can only tell two apart...one has quite a dark head and the other is very light. If not for my daughter's they would probably not have names...

Their names are

Of course,

I have Mary Anne, Mary Beth, Mary Catherine, Mary Elizabeth, Mary Jane, Mary Grace, Mary Margaret, Mary Teresa, Mary Virginia and Joker. I know, Joker doesn't really fit, but she is the funny one and the trickster in the flock.

When I call them in, I just have to holler......"Mary....Mary....."
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My 10-year old grandson named my four new chicks. Sparky is the black one that has turned out to be a Rooster. Wings has also turned out to be a Rooster, we think. We're still hoping that Jewel and Bippidy are hens. He named the chicks, but I named my grandson, "The Chick Magnet" because those silly little chicks won't have anything to do with me, but he can walk into the coop and sit in a chair and all four of them will be in his lap in a second.
All my chickens are named, they vary from being called Scarlett Johansson and Maggie Smith to Poppy and Pippa. I love naming things (including my laptop, Chuck) and their names develop. My first three chickens were called Abraham Lincoln, Margaret Thatcher and Nancy Reagan. Within a year they were Linc, Greta and Nayray; a few months after that they had become Abe, The Magster and NR.
We have killed (when i say me, I mean my partner) quite a few chickens now; I always feel better if they have a name. If they don't, I feel like they didn't really have a life (I never said it made sense!).
I named my 5 buff orphingtons the spice girls - baby, scary, posh, ginger, and sporty. 4 of them are hard to tell apart, unless I'm trying to catch them. Baby is the runt, and the runner is Sporty. Scary, Posh, and Ginger all are trying to be top chick of the coop. It's funny to watch them. They are only 6 weeks old now, so their names may change to suit their personalities.

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