Just curious? Who names all their chickens and who doesn't?

My roo is named Jack and I haven't named any of the others til I know for sure what they all are.
I never used to name any of my pet birds... just because most of the time they would either get killed by animals OR in the case of chickens... my father would end up naming most because they would end up being roosters and then we would have to give them away.

I do remember one of the Roosters my Dad named... he named him "Crecensio" which sort of means "Hot Shot" because that Rooster felt he could take on the world and feared nobody but LOVED my father hahaha

This time around we did name our "Girls" still gotta make sure they are girls *crossing fingers* but this time... my Nephews named them and they picked pretty cute names

They named mine Twitchie because her heat twitched alot when she was younger, named another Tweetie (not sure why because it wasn't the lighter colored one... I just think he wanted to name one Tweetie) and then the last one named Peck because she would peck at everything.

my family (myself included) also has a great tendency not to want to name any animals with People names... we think animals should have animal names and I stand behind that idea... I don't want to name a Chicken "Roxane" and then go out.. meet a nice person named Roxane and then befriend her and one day have her come over to my home and find out my chicken has her name HAHAHAHA

and in my own defense... I have had various instances so far where I meet an animal with a human name BEFORE an actual human with that human name...

Vincent = Labrador Retriever (someone ended up having a baby and naming him Vincent -_- but now all I think about is the dog...)
Berkley = Schnoodle, a dog (then my Boyfriend's cousin had a baby and named her Berkley... aaaAaaand of course I think of the dog)
Bentley = Shnauzer (a kid I met at the store named Bentley... geez)
Ryder = Black cat (my boyfriend's other cousin had a baby and named it Ryder... geez!!!)

those are all people I met either last year or this year :\\ and the animals I met a good 2 months or more before I met their same named persons... just another reason why I would hate to give my pets names of people... unless I dislike a person of that name and just want to replace them with an animal memory lol

actually my kitty cat has a modified human name :p

I named her "Naughtya" and it sounds like "Nadia" hahaha
my boy cat is named "Gimli" after a lord of the rings character
The first two we got were Dasha and Bossy, and the 2nd lot got named by my sister on a drinkie visit, but the ones we have now are just poo machines that lay every now and then! Smallish backyard and understanding partner. Chuckin some love out there and hope you're all having fun.
So far we have only named our 7 week old chicks. We have not named our 1-2 week old chicks yet, we probably will not name them until we know if they are a rooster or hen.
All mine have names the day I get a new one they get a name the newest is a baby from Molly a Modern game hen that hatched her birth name is Peeps until we know if its a boy or girl:p
I named all 6 chicks - 2 of each breed. Then, I gave 2 away to a mom with a crying, chickless child.
I think I miss them more because they have names. Mine are easy to tell apart. Buffy (the Buff Orpington) seems to know her name (and that she is the favorite).

Only one of my ducks, the Pekin with the pink bill, has a name - (cleverly named Pink). I can't tell the other 3 apart.

It appears I also have 3 drake and 2 girl mallards. They will get names soon.

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