Just sharing my pics


15 Years
Apr 14, 2007
Portland TN

Here's some baby pics for those who want to look at'em. At least they are still babes to me... This is Big Blue, the big black blob in the background is our Newfie... "Abby"

This is Slick


ME and Slick enjoying coffee.

Me and the kids on the patio

That's it for now thanks for viewing.
Pretty babies and a pretty yard, too! I have a barred rock that is about two years old, but she's still my baby. I cuddle her everyday! I like your big black blob.
~ Oaknim
Great pictures! Oh how I wish we could let our chickens roam free like that! Your babies are precious and I love your yard!
I really shouldn't pop onto this forum so often........... by the time we're ready to order chicks my order will be HUGE! (might even throw some ducks onto that!)

I LOVE the pics.
Is big blue a cochin? I am curious because I have 2 that look identical to him/her. I also have a couple that are yellow/buff? but those two have yellow legs.
spottedcrow wrote...Nothing goes with coffee like Chicken slobber...

I guess slobber is better than a plop of pooh

cheepchicks...big blue is a cochin. I have 3 buff ones also they are in the background in slicks pic.
Thanks everyone for the compliments on my babes and home. If you think my backyard is nice you should see my frontyard. We are on a georgeous creek, that's where this pic was taken.My home is on the right side of the picture. So we get to hear the creek gurgling all the time.

And these are the most recent photos of my home sweet home. Hope they come out clear enough to see.

Please ignore my boastfullness. Guess I'm just proud of what God has provided for us. Without him none of this would be ours to hold in trust. Thanks again ya'll.
You do have a beautiful place, and a nice looking family. Looks so peaceful and relaxing, too. The chickens fit in there nicely.
I love your pics. What beautiful babies you have. It looks like you have a very nice family.

Your place is gorgeous, too. I can't wait until we are finished putting in our yard - we've been in the house 2 years now and it seems like there's always something more pressing. Oh well, I'm certainly not going to complain. We, too, live in a beautiful area where we can enjoy the peace and quiet (except for our roo crowing) and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Whereabouts do you live?


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