Kindness of strangers

Wow, I can imagine how amazing that would be!
A couple of years ago, my daughter went to Temple and was in the band. Because of band camp, she moved into her dorm a week early. We had all 4 kids and lots of her stuff packed into our van driving into Philly. As we were getting close to the exit, our electrical systems started to shut down, so I took the first exit, which I didn't know. The van shut off completely as we merged onto the street, so we all got out & started to push up hill, with little success. #1 good person comes along and used his car to push our van into the parking lot of a gas station. I called AAA while my husband went into the gas station to call a cab. #2 several good people inside offered mechanics and cold drinks, which we declined. The cab came & I piled 3 of my kids, several suitcases and myself in to get my daughter to Temple on time. My husband waited for the tow truck to take the van back to Reading.

When we got to Temple, we took out the suitcases and checked in. Temple staff told us to get all of our stuff to take it up to the room at one time, so we explained that the van had broken down & we would need to make another trip later in the week. #3 good people- two nice young men from the band overheard the story and approached us, saying they had a truck. So, I left my kids( with the college age daugter) locked in the dorm at Temple and got into a truck with two strangers, who drove like crazy through many side streets in Philadelphia to get to our van before it was loaded onto the tow truck. They packed all of her stuff into their truck, took me back to the dorm, and unloaded so we could take it upstairs. #4 good people were chatting with and entertaining my kids until we got back.

Then#5good person- the tow truck driver took my husband and son the whole way back to Reading to the mechanic, which was part of his AAA contract. However, he talked to my young son the whole time and then after they dropped off the van, he actually took my husband and son to our house so they could get the car to come back to Philadelphia and get us!!

We were in a major city, of which many people in my area are afraid. The week before, we had run out of gas(first and hopefully last time in my life!) with our kids, an ancient dog, and two puppies on a country road. While several people were home, no one would help us, even though it was 100 degrees outside and we had kids and dogs. Thankfully AAA showed up in about an hour and we were on our way again. While many people speak badly about city folk, I'm thankful that there are good people everywhere.

I love this thread!!
Just a couple months ago I went into the animal shelter on a Thursday to pick out a cat to addopt the next day. I was just looking that day because I didnt get paid until Friday and I found the sweetest brown cat. I was looking at him and then I took him out of the cage and took him to the cat play room to get to know him a little better. And while I was in there another lady was adopting 2 little white kittens. She looks over at me and asks if I am going to adopt the cat I was holding at the time and I said I would be adopting a cat the next day because Friday was pay day so I was just looking. As soon as I said that she told me if I adopted the cat that day she would pay the addoption fee for me.
I was shocked at her kindness and didnt say anything for a second. I wasnt sure if she was serious. But she was!! And she insisted that I take the cat home with me that day. Without hesiation she then paid for her 2 kittens and then told them to add the cost of my cats adoption ($50) to her bill as well. I was still in shock
until after she left (I gave her my name and number). She paid the addoption fee and then gave me another $10 to buy something nice for the cat. Which again shocked me. I ended up giving the $10 to the shelter and in return they gave me some supplies for my new cat
I ended up naming the cat Shane and he is the sweetest and nicest cat I have ever had. I love him so much and I appriciate Julie, the lady's name, soooo much. We are friends on facebook now and I let her know about Shane and how he is doing every now and then.
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These are lovely stories! It's great to hear about how nice people are, even in the city.
I'm going to revive this thread with a story! Yesterday we were trying, and failing, to find a friend's house in a suburb we were unfamiliar with. Noticing us wandering around looking like headless flies, a group of residents banded together with a couple of walkers we'd plucked off ths treet to pore over our street directory and give us comprehensive directions to another Lincoln Avenue, less than a mile away! Now THAT one had us confused.
ray's two cents :

I'm going to revive this thread with a story! Yesterday we were trying, and failing, to find a friend's house in a suburb we were unfamiliar with. Noticing us wandering around looking like headless flies, a group of residents banded together with a couple of walkers we'd plucked off ths treet to pore over our street directory and give us comprehensive directions to another Lincoln Avenue, less than a mile away! Now THAT one had us confused.

Now how does it happen that two streets have the same name and are less than a mile away? Just gotta ask
Now how does it happen that two streets have the same name and are less than a mile away? Just gotta ask

in Irvine CA, there's an intersection of Main and MacArthur... both streets run for a mile, then take a 90 degree turn. one to the right, one to the left. and after another mile, they cross again.
so there's TWO intersections that are both Main and MacArthur, about 2 miles apart. both in Irvine.

really what were they thinking!
Now how does it happen that two streets have the same name and are less than a mile away? Just gotta ask

in Irvine CA, there's an intersection of Main and MacArthur... both streets run for a mile, then take a 90 degree turn. one to the right, one to the left. and after another mile, they cross again.
so there's TWO intersections that are both Main and MacArthur, about 2 miles apart. both in Irvine.

really what were they thinking!

As my daughter would say, that's ridonculous!!!
Now how does it happen that two streets have the same name and are less than a mile away? Just gotta ask

in Irvine CA, there's an intersection of Main and MacArthur... both streets run for a mile, then take a 90 degree turn. one to the right, one to the left. and after another mile, they cross again.
so there's TWO intersections that are both Main and MacArthur, about 2 miles apart. both in Irvine.

really what were they thinking!

That is a 911 dispatcher's nightmare!
Now how does it happen that two streets have the same name and are less than a mile away? Just gotta ask

Crossed town/county line, would be my guess. We have 3 Maple Aves/streets within 5 miles of each other. Each is in a different "town"...GPS the wrong town and you wind up a loooong hike from where you want to be. And the only way you can tell Delmar from Slingerlands from Elsmere is IF you happen to notice the small sign indicating you have entered a different 'burb.

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