Kindness of strangers

Now how does it happen that two streets have the same name and are less than a mile away? Just gotta ask

Crossed town/county line, would be my guess. We have 3 Maple Aves/streets within 5 miles of each other. Each is in a different "town"...GPS the wrong town and you wind up a loooong hike from where you want to be. And the only way you can tell Delmar from Slingerlands from Elsmere is IF you happen to notice the small sign indicating you have entered a different 'burb.

If you travel in Charlotte, NC, you get used to a lot of strange things like that. There is an intersection where Queens Rd meets Queens Rd W, there are more roads named "Sharon" than makes sense, and the roads will change names five times in a 5 mile span. VERY confusing to newcomers!
A nice couple I pulled over and helped a few months ago on the road bought my breakfast, I didn't even see them in there, they told the waitress I had pulled over and jumped their car and helped them with gas and they wanted to buy my breakfast.

Oh yea, I know the feeling.
The two Lincoln Avenues were in adjacent suburbs. We only got the suburb number for the address though, so had no idea which one it was.
I was talking about my chickens while at work (again!
) and about improvements I wanted to make to their run. One of the guys said that he had a bunch of plywood at home and he'd bring it over, which he did. We put heavy 8' x 4' boards up to cover my entire run and he left a couple extras. I put one of them up against the East side of the run, just as extra wind protection. That was a couple of days ago. The next day we had 70+mph winds and a bit of snow the day after. Talk about timing!!! No ulterior motives, no payback expected or requested - just a nice person! Some rare awesomeness!!
We had a nice breakfast at McDonalds this morning with a stranger this morning.
He was just passing through.

He was cold and hungry. So we bought his meal. Left him a few dollars that maybe
he'll have a few more hot meals before he gets to where ever he was going.
Spook, how lovely! Just goes to show acts of kindness can happen in places like McD's, they don't have to be particularly out of the ordinary.

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